

Responses from atmasphere

High Current / Low Current / No Current ??????
Sheesh. If an amp is making 100 watts into 4 ohms it is the exact same amount of current whether the amp is tube or transistor. Ohm's law (and the Power formula which derives from it) says so: 100W = Current squared times Resistance.The speaker is... 
There are absolutely no problems at all running something designed for 50Hz on 60Hz, unless it has an AC syncronous motor in it, which will then run a little faster. A power supply designed for 50Hz actually runs better on 60Hz. There is less satu... 
Seeking hot running amps
We have a customer in Guatemala who has our biggest amps. He has no air conditioning, and does not need it (Minnesota is hotter in the summer than Guatemala...). This despite the amps often being on all day long; the room stays very comfortable. H... 
LS3/5a's - what amps are you using?
Yah. Dunno what happened there! -but I bet I clicked on something I shouldn't have.... 
LS3/5a's - what amps are you using?
THe LS3/5a is extremely easy to drive. It is not very efficient though yet 35 watts is about all you want to play it with. We use our S-30 with it and the combination is fabulous! 
Zu on Zu
We've been running the Zu Druids for about a year or so now. I have some comments about the speaker if y'all are interested:First, the speaker really is efficient. The impedance is easy for our small amp, the S-30, which can play it so loud that w... 
CAT JL2 Signature transparency vs OTL
The Kharma is a fairly easy load for tubes and there are also other OTLs that make more power that might also be an option.You will find that OTLs win transparency contests rather easily! I would not feel disappointed about that if I were you- OTL... 
Bat 150 SE replacing 6C33-B power tubes problems
FWIW there are no 'current production' 6C33s- they are all NOS. The factory that made them was dismantled about 3 years or so ago. 
Capacitors across power switches?
This reduces arcing damage to the switch contacts, particularly when the unit is turned off. It can also prevent pops that can be heard through the rest of the system! 
Is there any benefit to a tubed phono stage?
transistors in general have the characteristic of loosing low level detail and adding odd-ordered harmonics that make the sound harsher.Once detail is removed and the harmonic structure is tainted, no amount of work downstream will get the music b... 
Seeking hot running amps
Allanbhaganinfo, your analogy does not work. Class A amplifiers generate heat because they are on all the time. The engine in your car makes heat- all the time- because it is on all the time too. But it is not correct to compare the two!Class A am... 
Seeking hot running amps
Ah yes, heat. Class A operation is the reason for heat. Fact is, if you want it to sound right, it has to be class A.I've never understood why a person would spend thousands or 10s of thousands on a stereo and then compromise the whole thing (and ... 
Dynaco PAS 2, want to upgrade recifier section.
You can use HEXFRED diodes for the high voltage. For the filament, I recommend a 3 Amp silicon rectifier. You will have to install a small terminal strip for the rectifiers and be advised that the filter capacitors are shot! so replace them too.If... 
amp -preamp combination question.
Loosing the resolution that a good tube preamp offers over almost any solid state is an unacceptable compromise for me. 25 years ago I ran solid state with a tube amplifier. It kinda helped with the tube amps I ran back then (to give a kind of fak... 
OTL or SET? Differences?
FWIW, one thing that OTLs and SETs have in common is that neither has any hysteresis loss in the output transformer.SETs do not reverse the magnetic field in the transformer, and OTLs don't by definition.Removing the transformer also removes the a...