Responses from audioman2015
"High End" Bluetooth Receivers - Snake Oil? I stay away from Bluetooth streaming because all aptX codecs are severely hindered. They don't allow for raw streaming of PCM data. I use wifi to stream PCM to a dac without any compression. Now saying that, if implemented properly, aptX doesn’t s... | |
HELP! Static with my Mac Mini / Ayre QB9 system It could be that the $$$ Usb cable could be very sensitive and is transmitting the noise generated by the mac/usb port that would be attenuated by an inexpensive cable. Computers and USB ports are very noisy devices. | |
"Shouty" treble with hi res files Perhaps you can try 192/24 content from other sources other than the one you purchase from? I am also assuming you are using the USB input on your dacs from the Macbook. It could be noise from the USB port - perhaps you can try a USB isolater/cl... | |
CD Player with good headphone amp What headphones are you trying to drive if I may ask? I would recommend an external headphone amp if you are looking for something spectacular. | |
What makes an expensive speaker expensive timlub - I completely agree!! Resistances need to be compensated for the inductors. There are plenty of crossover calculators online and measurements are always useful if changing the inductors. If there is a drastic change in the crossover poi... | |
What makes an expensive speaker expensive Speaking of crossover parts, it is easy to take an inexpensive low and mid grade speaker to a much higher level by just replacing the caps, resistors, and inductors to higher quality ones. I've done this to 4 sets of speakers over the years and h... | |
What makes an expensive speaker expensive This is a very interesting thread. I don't know much about expensive speakers but I do know about low to mid cost speakers and how lucrative sales can be. My wife used to work at Fry's Electronics where they sold low to mid grade speakers and ca... | |
Need Balanced DAC with optical and coaxial inputs for 2 channel home theater system If you like laid back,lush, and polite sound take a look at the Luxman DA-06. A Japanese version can be had on Ebay for about $2800. I had the Nad M51 for a week to demo. There was a lot of good going for it but I thought it was not worth $2000 ... | |
help choosing cable pc to dac. Ah okay. I couldn't find a good cable for your application that was long enough so you may need to just use a good rca cable and a rca to 3.5mm adapter. May I ask what sound card your pc has? | |
help choosing cable pc to dac. The 3.5mm spdif port on your computer is electrical or optical? | |
Need CD Player up to $1,500 You may have already considered this, but have you thought about ripping your cd collection and just use an external dac? There are 2 major advantages of this: 1) Eliminates all mechanical jitter and noise, 2) All of your music can be readily ava... | |
Apple TV - 44.1 kHz output Try to use another streaming device instead of your 48khz Apple TV. Yes reclockers will help but it won't solve the main problem which is the resampling of 44.1khz to 48khz. Most music today is 44.1khz - stay with the 44.1khz, 88.2khz, 176.2khz,... | |
More resistance is less load?? Easy - The lower the resistance, the more current flow can occur. Think about resistance as a water hose. The less resistance the more flow. When you have more current flow, there is more heat generated because conductors are not perfect, they ... | |
Help! My system is very bright it hurts my ear Try some inexpensive cables - both interconnects and speaker wire. Definitely no silver. Not sure what dac(s) your equipment has but to me, ESS dac chips sound more bright than Burr Brown chips. | |
Improvement in CD player transports I rarely now use a cd transport, come to think of it, even less Bluray / sacds as well. It has all gone to digital streaming. Once, complex mechanical designs were necessary to read data off a disc to reduce jitter/noise but now that can be acco... |