

Responses from audioman58

Everything a crossover has to do ...
Erik you are spot on ,that is  why I Always recommend upgrading or modifying the Loudspeaker Xover for over 85% of speakers have average at Best quality a Xover parts, What is the heart of the Speakers and can make a Dramatic sonic improvement if ... 
$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???
Only a fool with too much $$ would spend that . For $10 k I can get my car painted in any color base coat,clear coat with a seamless finish. To paint a speaker for almost $30k proved that companies know there are suckers out there .as an ex Audios... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
I have been an Audiophile for  over 40 years and owned a audio store.i will say without question cables are by far the highest profit margin ,speaking of high end cables ,that being said a good power cord brings much more detail and dynamics to th... 
$30K DAC in a $70K system - wise or ridiculous?
the Pacific dac is Excellent , personally buy a golden gate with discounts around $16k, for sure buy their final touch Audio usb,interconnects, and power cord under $$3500 maybe upgrade a couple tubes and you have a killer front end .i have compar... 
Fear of Streaming
It. Takes a few bucks to make really good streaming  a great dac like the NewVacuum tube Lampizator Amber 3  with the great Callisto usb cable that is superb, then a quality streamer or a dedicated computer server I use a Jrivers 25-26 with their ... 
Does the 'Buck' Start with the DAC?
Everything starts at the dac, which processes the information once processed it goes down stream good or bad . It is in some respect the most important part of the chain , and don’t forget the digital cable- USB  ,I have compared many of them and ... 
Best home remedy for paper cone woofers cleaning the dust off?
Swifffer duster I use for equipment and loudspeaker drivers. 
Subwoofer rumble issue
It is  s Must ,saying what brand,and model it is cheaper ones Has minimal control small amplifiers, magnets and pole piecesAs well as cabinet construction all important factors How to you adjust it ?  The SVS 3000 line SB with appFor just UNDER$1K... 
Subwoofer rumble issue
What kind of sub ,or how cheap is it made.Buy the svs sb 3000 with control app for under $1k delivered And free shipping and 60 day audition  nothing better even at $1500 plenty of awards !! 
Moving up from an Oppo 205
Look at Lampizator from $3k or upAnd don't forget top sub cable the sell final touch audioCellist, most natural sub cable I have found under$2k at $850Truly puts your digital on another level and at around $800As wireworld,curioys,or lightspeed an... 
Hegel or Pathos?
the pathos logos mk-2 is a excellent sounding integrated.if you are going to buy the Hegel 360 , the pathos logos-2is more naturally warm and having vacuum tubes in the preamp section buying a pair of NOS Vintage tubes really raises the bar for fl... 
Could this be one reason tubes (and perhaps records) sound better?
Vacuum tubes ,is just another way to tune your audio system , your whole system is about synergy .cables , power cords, type of digital design , as well as turntable, type of cartridge types all are parts of tuning your system to your sonic prefer... 
Considering Moving to an Integrated, Opinions Appreciated
Pass labs   Makes several nice ones, coda s very good upscale Gryphon ,Accuphase,to name a few. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
I don’t agree with Michael Fremer on his Analog bias , that’s very flawed for great digital in several areas surpasses analog great digital such as Lampizator with very good usb cable using Vacuum tubes is key to bring the so called analog sound ,... 
How much do you need to spend to get digital to rival analog?
As I stated before  key to getting digital right great digital design knowledge Lampizator, 2, vacuum tubes bring much more realism to the music ,which too you can tune to your sonic taste. A top USB cable also is instrumentali have compared  usb ...