Responses from audioman58
Bel Canto Dac 3.7 in 2018? The Newer 2.7 Belcanto dac is better then the both the 3.5 and 3.7 Dual Femto clocks , and very good power supplies, the clocks alone give this dac much better resolution and 124db dynamic range Very low noise floor. Check it out makes sure it ha... | |
Comparing Bel Canto and Schiit DACs Bel cantos roots started with Vacuum tube, John Strosner knows his stuff.this 2.7 i compared with the Schitt Yaggs-2 and I thought the Bel canto was better side by side in musicality, the Yaggs on some music may ge theleading edge a hair better, b... | |
MHDT or Border Patrol The Pogota has what many feel the best dac chipset ever made the Lsser trimmed Burr Brown 1704/dacs ,the use 1 per channel and is a true 20 bit not 16 like the Havana which is still very good ,the Pogota takes it to another level. The only comp... | |
Tekton Ufberts Ok , Tee the lower 2 sets then are for bywire ,but not true bywire for the ones I heard were just hooked to the bottom ,no jumper to the middle terminals. | |
Tekton Ufberts Thanks Teejay , what size resistors did it come with how many ohm ? | |
Should I expect a discount from dealer for buying and installing complete system I owner a Audio store for almost a decade and easily he could give you 15%and he still make between 30-35% on average . The $250 an hour is also BSi he is paying these guys $20 an hour maybe $25 per hour No way he i he says no, then walk , you sh... | |
Is OPPO worth the inflated price? There is the Sony 1000 that is very good ,and Yamaha has some very good players as well as Pionerr elite for under $1000 | |
Is OPPO worth the inflated price? You can contact Oppo if you call them they were still making them in small lots you prepay and they send you one ,or they will tell you when you getorder one ,give them a call ,samepricing. | |
CD ripper DB Poweramp has many options and let’s you convert many types even after ,such as Apple to Flac orWav .and does a nice job even rescanning for errors and degree of speed | |
What are the speakers you very rarely find in the Used market(Audiogon or Anywhere)? MBL 101 radiostrahers, one of favorite in the world and big Marten Coltrains. | |
Lets replace my Klipsch La Scala Speakers One thing very important is your cabling ,the quality and type all silver can be bright ,also the quality of the cable , and quality power cords ,how about line conditioning ? All these things canmake a substantial difference. | |
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs) Ihave found the latest Jensen Copper foil paper in oil Copper body to be excellent verydetailed but a bit more saturation very goodwith SS gear .Jupiter Copper are very good , they are both very good but different | |
Lets replace my Klipsch La Scala Speakers Ihave a lot of experienc3 with these, if you put a high quality crossover in there ,problem solved, crites is not even average from my build standards the Duelunds , Jupiter Copper JensenCopper Foil ,paper I oil , Jantzens newer Aluma Z capacito... | |
Why no Class D integrated love? (from manufacturers) In Europe much more so it more main stream. I have the Very good Gato Audio 400s integrated amp from Denmark , a work of art in design and function.they take the Danish Pascal pro amp modules and modify them as well as the analog input and putput... | |
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass? Yes a very good quality sub at least in the $1k andup club will give great precision in the Bass and bass fundamentals up tothe midrange which for sure adds depth and coherence to the musical performance. |