

Responses from audioman58

... what is Settling Time in cables and interconnects...
I have found owning a Audiostore in the U.K  that the dielectric type and thickness much more so dictates breakin then thewire itself.Teflon by far the biggest offender as the same thing applies in Teflon capacitors especially VH Audio for example... 
Stranded vs Solid Copper
Myself Use Verastars excellent high purityCopper foil speaker cable,and Silvergold alloy foil interconnects . A flat foil has more surface area then  equal size awg guage wire.and very thin diaelectric. That may why it sounds very balanced . I hav... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Robin Trower I saw several times in small venues fantastic and  for him to not be in the rock & Roll hall of fame . The voting there sucks  for some of the pop stuff in their makes me wonder on their voting. I just watched then bought the cd J... 
With Internet radio, (streaming) do AM\FM tuners serve any purpose in HEA?
A FM tuner such a old Marantz,or McIntosh  Vacuum Tube tuners are still highly praised and sound verygood , and some verygood solid state ones .magnum Dynalabs makes or made digital tuners with Vacuum tubes .the only  draw back with older tuners  ... 
Specific question choosing Duelund vs Mogami for affordable interconnect
If you are into Good quality fdelity for one switcraft is junk,Period.even brass  which many are used gold plated is far from ideal.a high quality 4-9s plus Silver or 5-9s or better Berylliym Copper plated normally far more accurate and musical . ... 
recommendation for speaker wire to soften the highs if possible
Cardas newer cable clear reflection has some of the warmth of the Older Golden cross,and some of their top clear .priced pretty fair also. 
Light Harmonic LightSpeed USB: best USB cable under $1k?
TheAudience is very good but not the best .the light speed may be betterthe purist Audio Nordodt has the new Valhalla alsoand their Heimdall-2 is very good. 
Have you ever downgraded deliberately?
Yes I have having owned a Audio store until 07.and systems $$$. My quest for the last 10 years has been to get the best sound for the least amount of monies spent. Very challenging ,but very rewarding. I do a lot of modding this alone adds a minim... 
Treated my interconnects with Deoxit D5 today
Tweek was a rip-off .the same Stabilant -22 myself and many top companies .      it is excellent tweek used to dilute the Stabilant-22 ,with a  8-1 ratio.This is a fact. Just buy  Stabilant-22, amazon sells it. nothing out there as good NASA uses ... 
Treated my interconnects with Deoxit D5 today
I have been saying this for awhile but Stabilant-22 which is not only a great signal enhancer but once all connectors are clean 99% Isopropyl alcohol is purest. Once the Stabilant is applied it will protect conductors for a Minimum. Of 12 years.my... 
What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?
For under $450 if you shop around the New NordostHeimdall-2 USBcable is very good and on par with the Audioquest Diamond land Wireworld platinum just a bit different .Every cable will sound differentin each system. 
Amps that bring liveliness to low efficiency speakers?
What is your budget ?and what kind of speakers ? 
Duleland break in time
When dealing. With speaker wire you are not sending hardly any voltage or current , 7nless you have built in powered subs a AWG 10 wire can carry over 20 amps your speakers don’t use even 1/10 th that or less on average awg 10 is Plenty large and ... 
Preview: CODA Technologies new generation number#8 Stereo Amplifier
This Amp $4500 is a pretty fair deal  . No more my friend paid abit less with shipping before summer.a nice sounding amp. 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
Synergistic research has been making $$ on the Graphene s  name coating them on the conductors in their fuses and going sky high on the price per fuse $150 each. I will admit they are the best ones I have used luckily only 1in my integrated amp.i ...