
Responses from audioquest4life

Double down, good or bad?
Hi Atmasphere, I do have some other thoughts from what you posted above about driving certain speakers with specific electronics, especially tubes. First off, I respect highly what you and others have to say in regards to the technical aspects of ... 
ASR Emitter 1 , Does can drive B&W 802d ?
Ps68, You are correct in a way where setup and ancillaries male a difference. Perhaps you have not had the pleasure of listening to these speakers exactly measured in a dedicated room woth first rate electronics. I state this overlooked fact from ... 
Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?
Transrotor Apollon, maxed out with 80MM platter, Magnetic drive bearings, 3 motors, SME V, and outboard Transrotor drive controller with manually adjustable fine tuning for speed. I am just saying, for me, my turntable is the "LAST" part I will ev... 
Double down, good or bad?
This is a very enightening thread. I have followed along as I used to be real SS die hard, considering even to delve into ultra ML or Classe stuff until I heard a pair of excellant tube amps that were designed to operate on 4 ohms, and drive low i... 
ASR Emitter 1 , Does can drive B&W 802d ?
Good luck with your decisions. Personally I have listened to the ASR Emitter and then compared them to the Octave amps I am now using. I was on an upgrade path to purchase ML 33H's or Classe Omega series amps, until I auditioned the Octave maps. A... 
Double down, good or bad?
I am not a techie on the level of Nelson pass or Atmapshere (still learning), but I do have some experiences of my own, using a well built tube amp, one can use almost any speaker regardless of load, if the amps are built correctly. For example, m... 
ASR Emitter 1 , Does can drive B&W 802d ?
Oops, meant to say ASR and not Plinius, was multi-tasking several threads. Ciao,Audioquest4life 
ASR Emitter 1 , Does can drive B&W 802d ?
II would not say necessarily say better, but more efficient. You have to match speakers and amps together to suit ones ultimate goals. I am driving B&W 800's with 140 watt tube amps, and I could care less about any other speakers as I am compl... 
ASR Emitter 1 , Does can drive B&W 802d ?
I have driven the 802's with a 140 watt tube amp, 200 watt per channel Carver home theater amp and Bryston 4BSST's. The speakers had no problem playing music nor serving as part of the home cinema with the two transitor amps, the tube amp did not ... 
Moving to Europe, mixing 220 and 110 powered units
Running a subwoofer with a transformer at 50hz will be fine. The only issues that really are concerns with 50/60 hz is when there are electrical motors that rely on the hz to control speed or compoents that need the hz to determine timing, such as... 
Soulution 710 Amplifier and 720 Preamplifier
Another German company, Octave audio. They sell a massive mono tube amp (Jubilee) with 200 plus watts per channel and giant transformers. They were at the RMAF in the Dynaudio room. I decided to get the little brothers a few years ago when I was c... 
What were the best and worst rooms at RMAF 2009?
Did anyone listen to the Dynaudio room? They had some new German made monster tube amps from Octave in there. 6 Moons did a write up about some of the smaller amps and integrated stuff and it does sound to me. I own the smaller tube amps and broth... 
The Best Tube Amplifiers vs Spectron ?
I do not think that there is a best tube amp or best solid state amp. Any piece of equipment must be carefully integrated into your system and the synergy that many have mentioned must exist in order for you to enjoy the music. I do know from expe... 
B&W 8 Series Newbie
Are you already dead set on the B&W series? If so, the 805's are a great bookshelf speaker. There are many accolades about the 805. The 800's series in general are a great looking speaker that fits into any decor, and they do sound great if yo... 
Difference between KT88 EAT and NOS in Jadis
I recently aquired an octet of GL 88's from Jim McShane and they have been on since Thursday evening. Ever since then, I have had nothing but pure musical enjoyment. No isses, they were a matched set and were easy to bias on my Octave amps. The ba...