

Responses from bache

Single driver speakers without the pitfalls?
Re Audiophle folk and music lovers is not the same? 
Single driver speakers without the pitfalls?
All fullrange driver get some weakness points, it is reason why audiophile prefer traditional 3 way design. The bestidea the using Full range driver in 500-10000 Hz region.No any full range driver FRD coudnt compare with good woofer Any whizzer co... 
NY Audio Show September 26th to September 28th
Anyone listen my speakers Bacheaudio ? 
Experience with rethm saadhana v3
take a look the similar topology Bacheaudio and review inDagogo, This is really amazing Greg 
Do you know anyone who repairs Chiro amps?
WE can fix it we in Brooklyn 
Speakers with fullness and weight?
I have what you looking for i t is not famous brand but youhave to listen if you live in NY area 
Speakers for low power tube amplifier
To get exelenent sound with low power Amp you must getspeakers with active bass section , low freg driver connect direct to bult in amp with no coil between- is the best . You power 10-20 watt just to drive mid and high. Shop arround. i buld this ... 
Best speaker on used market around 10,000.00
What city are you living?? IF NYC call me 917-299-4171.We have Grand Opening at 750 3 rd Ave BrooklynBacheaudio.com two new models it is not on website yet. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
IF you live in NY you have chance listen best speakersSonicrev By Bache Audio. Show room located at 750 3rd AveBrooklyn . Forget Audio NOTE, VOXATIV, . It is killing Speakers ,VEry LOUD for 4-5 watt AMP. Call 917-299-4171Gregory 
Need efficient floor-stander for 2a3
If you Live in NYC you can check my speakers BACHEAUDIOlocated 750 3rd ave brooklyn Open soon 
Have 300b MB want a killer pair of Hi-Eff speakers
Take a look my speakers Bacheaudio.comi will sell for $2200 demo 2weeks free trail 
Best high-efficiency speaker under 10K
Please take a look my HAS crossowerless Bache Audio speakers 
The best speaker you ever heard?
take a look my speakers which i have bacheaudio modelStreamline 305 cost $2750 new compare to Living Voice fromUK less expencive , bigger size exselent bass, good withchienees Bewitch 2A-3 you dont need better