
Responses from barrysandy

Bass amp for a tri-amped system?
I asked this same question recently and didn't get a useful response -- maybe because I didn't provide enough info. What is the low frequency driver's nominal impedance and how about efficiency? I have a pair of subs with a 2.5 ohm nominal impeden... 
General opinion about ADCOM amplifiers
I've owned the 5800 and the 5802. Both really nice amps and Nelson Pass contributed to the design. Sorry the highs are not dry or hard despite what others may say here but they aren't the amps' best qualities being a little recessed. The 5800 had ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Have been following this thread for many months. Just installed Duelund cast caps and inductors in the tweeter midrange section of the XO of my Magnepan 3.6s. Cost a small fortune. Treble's more than a bit recessed so I'm hoping everything opens u... 
Subwoofer Amp Suggestions?
Magfan thanks for your thoughts. See the system - hybrid tube NP-220 for the mid/tweets and tube-like Aleph 2s, which are probably not ideal given current limitations, from 60 to 220 Hz for Maggie bass panels. This system integrates perfectly on t... 
Since no one else has responded, I'll try. I am not sure what sound you are after based your desire for both "accurate, detail speed and resolution" and that you "like the warm tube texture". These pre-amps are very different in sound. One of the ... 
Pass XA.60.5 Monoblocks to Pass XA.100.5 Monoblock
I'd second Jpspock's suggestion to try to listen to the ARC Ref 5 (if new, even better, the 5SE). I owned both the X0.2 and XP20 both very nice preamps. The ARC presentation in comparison will be quite a bit different and you may prefer it dependi... 
Counterpoint SA20
I have owned Counterpoint products for at least 25 years (still own an SA20) and have had personal dealings with Mike for at least a dozen (own another NP220 upgraded). Mike's a reasonable guy and he stands by his products - he's taken care of me ... 
Your best ''outstanding'' products in last 5 yrs?
Audio Research Reference 40 Anniversary preamp ($25,000). I've been listening to music through audio equipment for 40 years too. I've never heard anything like it! Music is positively thrilling. I'm floored by the very natural tonal colors, textur... 
Anyone auditioned Pass Labs XP-30 preamp?
I'm a big Pass fan. More of the amps than the preamps. I agree with Thaller's assessment of the Pass trajectory based on ownership of the X0.2 and the XP-20. more resolution and lower noise floor and throw in some better bass while you're at it. U... 
How do we remember 1970s amplifiers?
- Acoustic Research integrated with AR5s. Solid state sound hard and glarey. Gave SS a bad name (which it deserved)- Dynaco ST 120 - more of the same!- Crown IC 150 and D150 driving Infinity 2000As - World class speakers even today and beautiful l... 
What music do you want to play really loud?
XX Intro 
Help me choose an active crossover
I have been using active XOs for over 25 years & personally like the Pass Labs XVR-1. You can change gain, slopes, & Qs almost on the fly much easier than inserting new boards. I would have needed a lot of boards to make the comparisons I ... 
Pass Labs Xono vs. Aesthetix Rhea
On the plus side, the Xono does have great build quality, very low noise, lots of gain (good for a low output mc) and is very flexible in terms of cartridge loading so you'll get the ideal set-up with it. If you're just getting into vinyl, I can't... 
Review: Phase Linear 700b Amplifier
The 700B is good but for some reason the 400 sounds even better (I owned both). These direct coupled amps were probably the best sounding SS amps of their times and certainly outdistanced the Crown DC300 & D150s which were their major SS compe... 
Black Gate caps
I've got modified tuners, preamps, phono stages, and power amps and, as a generalization, Black Gates almost always sound better, when used correctly, than the equivalent electrolytic capacitor. Of course I'm a little nuts -- look at my system. It...