Responses from bbro
300B tube recommendation for SET amp? I have dual monobloc Push Pull 2A3/45 amp from Vu using vintage Chicago transformers. I use it to drive various Spendors (SP100's, S3/5's ) and Soliloquys 5.3 and SMA 2A3's with tremendous success and even my Quad ESL 63's. It is sweeter and more ... | |
What other hobby or hobbies do you have? Love sports cars mostly. Have a Ferrari Dino and Carrera 993 911 Cab. Had lots of old clunkers from the '60's on. Didn't run half of the time but loved them anyway. Mostly follow vintage racing now. Still love my Hi Fi addiction. Mostly tubes and ... | |
Favorite Tube Speaker Match Jond: I am currently listening to a custom built preamp using 6922 tubes with a Deja Vu Audio PP 2A3/ 6SN7'PVK power amp built around a pair of '50's vintage "Chicago" transformers. Driving a rather modest pair of "original" circa 1998 Soliloquy 5... | |
Can 60 triode watts drive Quad ESL 63's? YES! Unequivocally!! I am driving a single pair of ESL 63's with a custom built 5 watts per side 2A3 amp, albeit with some humongous vintage "chicago" output transformers, and they just literally sing , and to some realistic levels to boot. Even t... | |
smaller speaker suggestions Have you listened to the Spendor SP 3/1P's. They are smaller than the Sp 1/2 and the Sp 2/3 but larger than the S 3/5. It uses the same tweeter and midrange as the SP 100. If you like the Spendor sound but the SP100 or even the Sp 1/2 are too larg... | |
Spendor like I have owned Spendor 3/5's for about 4 years now and would never part with them. I also own Spendor 9/1's and Quad 63's so you can probable guess my leaning in sound. I recently bought a pair of Epos Els 3's ~ $250 for a second system and was asto... | |
Upgrade from Jolida JD-100A Bradz,Try Lynn Hoptgartner at Boulevard Audio in Alexndria Va. who carries Emotiva Audio Primas and may work with you. He is a great guy to deal with. bbro | |
Inexpensive wine pairings? Several of my wifes favorite wines are:"You never take me anywhere...""I don't have anything to wear...""Other husbands don't have all this Hi FI gear cluttering the house..." | |
Tuners that do it? I recently aquired an original H H Scott LT 110 tuner (circa 1962). Not only is it one of the best looking tuners around with the big lighted circular tuning dial, but I have never heard a modern tuner with anywhere near the pure sound quality. | |
Does anyone know about Design Acoustics PS-6a? Back in the mid eighties, I had a friend who had a pair of Design Acoustic PS 10s with a companion Down firing sub. It was one of the best systems I ever heard. If I could find that combo today I would snap it up. The PS 10s were a smallish booksh... | |
Musical Design D75-B I have a highly modified (RHB mods) Music Design SP 2B Preamp which is by far the most phenomonal preamp I have ever heard. It will run head to head with Thor 1000, Emotive Sira, CAT Ultimate and other very elite company. John definitely knows wha... |