
Responses from bhouser

PassX-250 vs PassX-350
.Krelldog wrote:"The only upgrade I would make currently is another Pass..."Does this mean that you need to change your moniker to PASSDOG ??? B^D 
PassX-250 vs PassX-350
Great info Nutella- Thanks for the clear definition...."all the X series amps are extremely dynamic, with very listenable top ends that are not forward or bright, and are very quick and responsive to musical transients."I could NOT agree with this... 
Shipping Speakers, watch out
I just took delivery of 2 Talon Ravens from Texas to NC. Emery (Menlo) WorldWide Forwarding delivered them in 2 days and handled things just fine - no damage at all. The dealer that shipped them has had good luck with Emery, and recommends them fo... 
PassX-250 vs PassX-350
Muralman1 - NO offense taken."gold can be paid for, or just found, if your lucky and/or knowledgable" is definitely the main point here. I was quoting MSRP when making this price relationship between speakers & amp, and in the case of my Aeriu... 
PassX-250 vs PassX-350
Nutella, I agree with Muralman1 - news to me. In fact, my X-250 manual indicates the opposite, that both 250 & 350 use similar levels of (meaning Zero) feedback.However, I certainly don't deny that the 350 is 'better' then a 250 in all aspects... 
PassX-250 vs PassX-350
Krelldog-I use an X-250 with Martin Logan Aerius i's, along with a Pass X-3 for rears/center. They replaced Bryston 4B-ST & 5B-ST's. The Pass amps are sonically miles ahead of the Brystons with these speakers, even though the similar specs do ... 
Surround Processor Choice
I have an AVM-20, and couldn't recommend it more highly for the price. I looked at the RD-7 equally at the time, which cost over a grand more new compared to the Anthem, and I just could not justify the extra money (especially for a Japanese Onkyo... 
Add DAC to Philips 963sa or Arcam DV-88P ???
Hi Ears-I have read much of the modding threads on AA, AgoN & such, with many posts from self-modders such as yourself. You have been very consistent in your enthusiasm for these mods, and I am definitely considering this route.But the one thi... 
Add DAC to Philips 963sa or Arcam DV-88P ???
Wellfed-I have entertained that option as well. Ric's upgrades sound tasty, but the interior shots on his website look pretty 'homegrown'. Here are my concerns with such mods:-The mods are safe for the long-term - No electrical fires or busted pla... 
Pass labs x250 vs Classe CA301
I too own a Pass X-250, along with an X-3 (3x150) amp for center & rear channel HT use. I agree with the statements of the other Pass owners.These amps were big upgrades from my previous Bryston 4B-ST & 5B-ST, adding detail, clarity AND sm... 
Which basic amps can drive 1 ohm loads ?
I am using a Pass Labs X-250 to drive MartinLogan Aerius i's, which drop to 1.2ohms at 20Khz fully driven.Though it does spike the built-in power meter pretty hard on heavy treble transitions, the amp NEVER sounds stressed, and seems to be designe... 
Which SS amps sound like a tube amp?
I will 2nd the Pass Labs X-250 recommendation, as I have speakers (MartinLogans) that 'appreciate a kind word' from an amp, while still needing bunches of SS dynamics & power to drive their difficult loads (down to 1.2ohms in the high frequenc... 
Magnepan 1.6 vs. ML Aerius i owners opinions..
To quote a famous philosopher:...'In matters of opinion, debate is irrelevant' ...So I am NOT going to generalize here, other then to say that speaker placement, amplifier choice and room acoustics have a MASSIVE affect on panel speakers more then... 
Philips 1000 vs 963 for 2 channel. Which one ?
DAMMIT MattyB - Why did you have to 'knock me off the fence' about buying a 963sa with this amazon link!! ;O (j/k)I just ordered it, and indeed it included free shipping through J&R - but ONLY if you buy it via Amazon and use standard shipping... 
Shunyata Hydra
I purchased an original Hydra after speaking with Caelin Gabriel himself about these supposed different 'versions'. He basically told me that there is only ONE version, but that they changed colors from orange hospital-grade outlets to biege (off-...