Responses from bikeboy52
Streamer upgrade? follow up. @lalitk Grounding the chassis.You know I looked at that ground terminal and thought it unusual but was focused on everything else, thanks easy enough, I’ll get right on that. | |
Streamer upgrade? follow up. @lalitk Thanks everyone,I really appreciate the support and civility of this thread, sometimes Im not sure if I want to expose myself here, To answer your question though Lalitk Im coming straight off the Linksys router with Blue Jeans Cat 8. Exac... | |
Streamer upgrade? follow up. @designsfx Steaming Tidal. Beginning to think I created a problem rather than solved one though, now my digital sounds better than my analog. It was just the opposite previously. This’ll never end😀. | |
Dedicated Line - Things to consider @audphile1 Wow beautiful system and room, just looked at your profile page. We’re a general contractor out in California. Good advice from Carlsbad. We never run a single circuit if going back to the panel (home run) labor essentially the same to ... | |
Focal Kanta 2 or KEF Reference Meta 1 plus KC62 sub? @niko79 I don’t use my sub with my Kanta twos ,its been a while since I read the freq response graphs and specs but they’ve got plenty of low end.Someone was saying with a pair of subs they sound as good as Sopras, my subs just sitin in the corner... | |
Streamer upgrade? @soix Yes the Iris and i2s cable are one of the upgrades on my radar next. Ive been following these discussions carefully and trying to sift out the right answers for me. Another of the changes Im ready to make are some GIK treatments that Ive pic... | |
Streamer upgrade? Yes I realize Im in a cash spiral trying to get my digital to sound as good as my vinyl and that theres a ways to go still. Im already in on the interconnects and ac cables, I feel like these three pieces of the puzzle ,Streamer,Dac and cables wil... | |
If there was only ONE album/cd/release you can listen to, over and over............. Exile on Main Street.’ Its got it all . | |
Songs of debauchery and excess @toddsyr Thats one reason I like these threads about music. I saw Ian Dury open for Lou Reed at the Roxy in LA in the 80,s I would have never even remembered that song or band if you would have not mentioned it. Thanks! | |
Songs of debauchery and excess Im sorry I want a do over. The greatest song in this category has gotta be “ Sunny afternoon “ by the Kinks . “Telling tales of drunkeness and cruelty “ one of the best lines of all time and only a Englishman could pull it off. | |
Instruments that shine in your system @carlsbad Right! Thats the effect Im talking about its a little spooky actually. | |
Steely Dan On The Water | |
Car songs @woofman74 Glad to here you were feelin Fred Eaglesmith woofman ,he’s a car song writin som b. Check out “105” and “Georgia overdrive” good stuff. | |
Car songs @axo1989 No apologies necessary here , Tracy Chapman too, cool song, so many great car/road/ truck /bike songs,too many to count I,d wager. | |
Car songs @akg_ca Technically a trucker song but awesome nonetheless,we may need a truck driving thread ? In that case “ Mama hated diesels “ by the good Commander Cody. |