
Discussions billandsol has started

Esoteric K-03 / K-01 Leave Power On ?27229
Esoteric USA Service - TAP Electronics27012
Esoteric K-03x vs K-0322010
Esoteric D-03 or D-0538293
Electrocompaniet Nemo or BAT VK-600se with Wilson Alexia ?18413
BAT VK-600se vs Simaudio W821340
Classe CDP-202 vs McIntosh MCD550 and Esoteric K-07x33413
Esoteric X-05 or Classe CDP-20226222
Esoteric X-01 Limited vs X-0553802
Best Power Cord For Video Projector 299411
How does the PS Audio Perfectwave Transport Stack up against the Esoteric P-03?478411
Aries 1 JWM 10 Tonearm replacement or upgrades?507021
BAT VK-P5 or Conrad Johnson EV-114630
Wywires Platinum much better than H T Crystal Silver for Phono on my VPI Aries 1 ?30333
Where do I find a Graham IC-70 phono cable rca to rca?16381