
Responses from bjpd57a1

Alternatives to Klipsch Forte II
The Chorus II is a very good choice.For a couple of great reasons:1.) The 101db sensitivity will give more volume with less power.2.)The bass is not excessive, but is adequate in movies,and music. Although not as deep, it is smoother.3.)Big Sound ... 
Quality, Affordable, Preamps?
PS Audio makes a PCA-2 with the HCPS, it is in the sameleague as Rowlands best!Quality power cords, interconnects, and you are in"Like Flint!"Clean, quiet, NUETRAL, Dynamic pre-amp combination.Available as low as $1200! This is a TRUE $3k Pre ampc... 
Running 4 speakers from a 2-channel amp
The Bottom Line:1.Respect Ohms Law!2.Use a "real" power amplifier{one that Doubles Down)3.Use accurate, sensitive, speakers that are 95db. min. @ 8ohm.4.Use quality cable at EVERY connection!5.Respect Ohms Law! Do the above, and I assure You, the ... 
Dynamic Headroom
Well....I would say 101db. sensitive speakers with 1000 wpc.would qualify as "Dynamic Headroom" as the speakersonly need about 7-10 watts to produce tremendous output.ALL the rest, is "Headroom" for those transients in bothmovies, and music.Take a... 
Running 4 speakers from a 2-channel amp
I am running 18 separate speakers, that are "passive",with 3 Amplifiers driving them ALL.Respect "Ohms Law!" and you can safely run in "series",several speakers without presenting a low impedance thatis hard on the amplifier.In addition, I impleme... 
Sony XA5400ES DAC Chip
Buffalo ChipsLove Your Music! 
Modification Nightmares
Results, with his CD Modifications.I was very reluctant, to say the least, at the thought ofa tool going inside this Awesome Brand New Player.Actually my wife did the whole order for me.She got a new Marantz SA-11S2 SACD player, and they did theLe... 
Marantz SA11S2 vs. SA7S1
Well if it is has the Level 2 Mod, from Underwood mods.It will sound better than the SA7S1, and any other player in the $10k range.In fact, it is the Best sound I have EVER heard, short ofthe ambiance of "being there".HEARING is Truly an EYE and E... 
marantz 11s2 sacd player modifications
My Marantz SA-11S2 has the Underwood Level 2 Mod.I have what I "Dreamed" of, a SACD player that sounds like a "Master Tape Player" , except it's a Disc.Every positive attribute, can be heard after the Mod.Better resolution,tighter, quicker respons... 
Review: Marantz SA-11S2 CD Player
Just got mine today, Wow!Out of the Box it is smok'in!I have the SA-11S2 with the Underwood Level 2 Mods.200 hours for burn-in, but right now this isa very special player.Right now, it sounds like a "Original Master Tape".We ALL hear different, an... 
PS Audio PCA-2 Preamplifier - Characteristics?
I own 2 of these "sleeper" Reference quality pre-amps, withthe HCPS for both.With the GCA-500, and GCA-250, the sound is something thatwhen matched properly with power cables and connects; theseproducts form a Musical Synergy rarely found at this ... 
How do I know if I need an amp?
when You ask "when" is clear what you currently own,is failing to satisfy, otherwise, the thought would never enteryour mind."The bloom is off the rose"?IMHO that is.Love Your Music! 
OPPO 83 and Benchmark DAC 1
My Sony XA-7E.S., and Benchmark Dac-1 combo, delivers "The CompleteMusic Experience!" Using the Audio Alchemy Data Stream BNC /XLR connections are Superior delivering 100% of the Recordedsignal.Straight Wire Maestro II coaxial cables, to the pre-a... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
If You have no hands, to turn the volume down?And there only 1 single setting? FULL VOLUME or NOTHING?Then Yes You have a problem.Otherwise,NO, there is no such thing as "TOO MUCH POWER" 
What's the best Sony CD/SACD player?
The Best Sony Players EVER made, are NOT the SACD players,but we ALL have our own opinions.I have collected several Sony ES players over the years, andsince MOST of what I listen to are "Redbook" CD's, IMHO,I have found the XA-7 to produce the BES...