

Responses from brandonhifi

Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 wins over Aurender W20SE
@ricred1 If you have a Chord DAC the single biggest improvement is implementing Audiowise products, they are breathtaking, and will elevate your system to levels you cannot imagine. Their flagship product is the Galvanic Optical Isolation unit ca... 
Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 wins over Aurender W20SE
@bigkidz  I’m interested in your opinion. What is your ultimate recommendation for reference quality DAC. I will have a listen.  
Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 wins over Aurender W20SE
@bigkidz @lordmelton  Upgrading the DAC is a great suggestion, and the only reason I do not is because the 15 volt Chord Hugo TT2 has a DC input that will run perfectly on 12.8 volt LIFEPO4 batteries. I’m in a stage of my HiFi journey that I cann... 
Upsampling, Can there be too much?
@vonhelmholtz  😂 Funny you mentioned the Everest, was thinking about upgrading my IsoTek Sigma to the Everest this week.  
Upsampling, Can there be too much?
@vonhelmholtz  Excellent question, and honestly I'm still in the midst of the first week of constant comparison of that very thing. But from several days of critical listening I can say without any doubt the physical CD on the flagship Jay's is s... 
Upsampling, Can there be too much?
The issue with the Jay's was because a loose cable, completely solved, worked with Alvin from Beatechnik, Jay's Audio official dealer, and got it fixed, upsampling stacks perfectly now from CDT3-MK3 to Chord Mscaler to Chord Hugo TT2.    One of ... 
Upsampling, Can there be too much?
@vonhelmholtz  The Chord Mscaler only has 1 USB, 2 optical toslink, and 2 BNC inputs. The W20SE has usb bit perfect output only so no upsampling possible with USB output. I find the upsampling on the Aurender using my BNC Transparent XL cable far ... 
Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 wins over Aurender W20SE
@dinov  I used a SACD ripping service. The guy that I used is no longer doing it though. You can probably find someone fairly close to you if you google it.    
Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 wins over Aurender W20SE
This is not ordinary streaming, this is Qobuz 24 bit - 192khz uncompressed streaming with a $22,000 Aurender W20SE and a 1 million tap Chord Mscaler upsampler. This technology should be compared to CDs to see where we are at in HiFi to the potenti... 
Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 wins over Aurender W20SE
I’m listening to SACD in DSD right now from the W20SE’s 4 TB hard drive and it is comparable to the upsampled Jay’s MK3 using the Mscaler. They are both extraordinary, it will take weeks for the MK3 to burn in, 400 hour burn in time they say….    
Don’t over power condition!
An AC powered DAC requires power free of transients and RF noise—filtering is required well into the MHz range. For DAC's with an integrated switch-mode power supply, its worth doing the modification to change it to a linear (transformer-based) de... 
Don’t over power condition!
Factor in the LIFEPO4 batteries in the Aurender W20SE, this setup would work fine on most streamer but is not compatible with the W20SE power system, sell it to you guys if you’re interested. Audiowise AC RF Stop. 50% off.  
Don’t over power condition!
By not allowing enough power into the device, because there were 2 power conditioners before power went into the W20SE, the Puritan PSM156 then the Audiowise RF-STOP, removing the 2nd power conditioner allows the proper amount of power the device ... 
Bookshelf speakers that renders 3D soundstage
GR Research NX Studio monitors.   
The Music Room Erie CO
I’ve bought several pieces of HiFi gear from TMR as well, and sent a few back, all of which was hassle free and perfectly smooth. I’m working with them now for a Chord Electronics warranty and the customer service is the best in the business.