

Responses from emrofsemanon

What's the heaviest speaker you've ever owned? What's the tallest?
maggies the tallest. university theatrical blasters the heaviest, tied with the maggies for height but they were about 3' wide pentagonal in shape and each one was prolly over a hundred pounds. with just a watt or so those speakers would energize ... 
Beware poor sounding media
a politically incorrect opinion to follow - to hell with what the artist or producer wanted. i've heard some atrocious excuses for "music" that had the worst, most obnoxious things done to the sound, such as brickwall limiting, insertion of extran... 
Ohm Acoustic Corp., Brooklyn NY
my luck was not so good with the omni speakers, they must be well away from room boundaries and in a small room, fuggedaboudit. they work as designed only in very large rooms or very heavily and uniformly damped smaller rooms. not for spare bedroo... 
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
i never grokked Sun Ra, god bless him RIP. when i heard him sing "space is the place" i just stood there slack-mouthed in non-comprehension. i don't know what i was supposed to be hearing and enjoying.   
Bose 901's in an acoustically treated room?
that is against bose' specifications for use of its d/r speakers, the room  must have a "live" acoustic meaning a minimum of absorptive furniture or treatments. that is the whole idea behind their d/r speakers. you defeat their purpose otherwise.   
Most Realistic Recordings
i would imagine that at least in theory [i've never been privileged to hear an ambisonics recording on a full height-channel ambisonics system] that the full [height channel] ambisonics recordings in the right room would be the literal height of a... 
You know you have audiophile system when...
when you have at least an 8-figure net worth and a portfolio of blue chip stocks and bonds. when your system elicits oohs and ahs from whomever you deign worthy of showing it off to. when you listen to the worst recordings and it still gives you a... 
The past meets the future
i just don't get people who say that "good phonographic playback is totally noiseless" - that is basically like saying that analog tape is noiseless when it is quite obvious to anybody with ears that it is not. even a dolby A-encoded master tape h... 
The past meets the future
i sure wish i could listen past surface noise. but my brain won't let me.   
What does a subwoofer solve?
a properly matched system will not make you aware of "missing bass" 90% of the time, but i have at least 3 pipe organ recordings that are fairly palpably loud below 20 cycles per second [locks the air in the room with a vigorous pulsation of air p... 
Favorite religious song
"what shall we give the babe in the manger" performed by the MTC.   
Vinyl Repair?
all i can say is for people who can find an affordable specimen, thank god for CEDAR! iZotopeRx works almost as well.   
Speaker massage ...
when doing the OOP trick during speaker burn-in, best results [the most cancellation/reduction in volume] are gotten by summing your test signal to mono first, if it is not already mono.  
When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.
i remember john lennon saying [paraphrased] that the problem with music today is that most albums have just one or two good songs on them, and the rest is often just filler ["crap" in his words]. what i do is i make [and have made many of such] co... 
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
complicated subject, not strictly GI/GO but close enough to it to make finding a happy medium a protracted and almost [but not quite] Sisyphean task.  you need a system [not just a speaker setup but your equipment and room] that accentuates euphon...