Responses from flg2001
Amplifier Experience Gryphon Pass Lamm BAT I have owned Gryphon, Pass and Lamm, the later is for me the less coloured and honest sounding of the pack | |
Avalon Ascendant or Vandersteen Quatros? Are you still liking the Avalon's after all these months? | |
Apple Macintosh Music System Agreed - these are no more than partial steps towards a hopefully near futute of easy-to-use and reproduce Hi-Rez downloads. | |
Apple Macintosh Music System I was thinking of the same thing - I originally switched to WAV due to very clear improvement in sound quality compared to LossLess formats - I will migrate "smoothly" before runing any risks. Thanks for the tip. | |
Apple Macintosh Music System I did the same going from LoseLess to WAV - and delete manually the original files.I will try with an specific playlist and let all know...Thanks again. | |
Apple Macintosh Music System Jax2 - now I am scared!!! :-)Is there any way to convert my WAV files at iTunes to AIFF in a seamless way? | |
Apple Macintosh Music System I have experimented no issues working with WAV files on the MAC so far, all track names, art cover and extended file info (like star rating) are there.... Thanks for reminding us the name of the software to improve iTunes files Jax2, some say that... | |
Apple Macintosh Music System I am just in the process to upgrade my vurrent Digital front end as well - I have ripped all my CD collection to WAV files iinto my iMacthru iTunes this is replicated to an AppleTV storage that goes to my Reimyo DAC via TosLink at my dedicated aud... | |
Considering a move to Exposure or Naim I have been there . and have been a Naim-fan for aany years. Naim throws a very dynamic, life-like and organic music reproduction, and the upgraded PS adds additional definition, particullary on the bass.Carefull speaker matching is important, I l... | |
Jadis JA-30's What Pre would you consider I agree with Toetapfactor - I hav had a JA50 and a Jadis preamp is the best match I got, including a Lamm LL2 which I own now.Jadis amps are a little noisy (as you might already noticed) - place your Jadis preamp as far as your interconnects allow... | |
Top Luxman integrated - 509u or 590Aii? I agree with newbee's notes above... a Class A amp brings a different presentation (more musical IMO) where even one can be fooled of hearing a SS or a Tubed design (this happened to me when I had a Gryphon Anthileon amp)But... speakers play a maj... | |
Amps for Avantgarde I no longer have my UNOs, but the best sound I got out of them came with an Acoustic Sound Sitar Integrated amp. I said earlier in this thread that the Jadis DA50S was a good option (and I still keep that statement valid) but the Sitar was clearly... | |
Audio Note, Lamm, 1st Sound with McIntosh 275? I would say the McIntosh, more than AT gear, have a signature of its own (which is not bad and replicates to many good companies out there) - having had more than 4 McIntosh amps (tubed and solid state) that signature is untouched if one keeps the... | |
Lamm L2 vs. Air Tight Preamp with 211's I own a Lam LL2 preamp and feel very well served - saying that, and given your system configuration, I would opt for the AT preamp. | |
Lamm L2 vs. Air Tight Preamp with 211's I own a Lamm LL2 preamp and feel very well served - saying that, and given your system configuration, I would opt for the AT preamp. |