

Responses from glennewdick

Spades vs. Banana plugs ??
I like the idea of tube connectors, striped down bananas. but i use bananas primarily.   
DAC options to consider for Innuos streamer
After I went through a DAC upgrade from my Mac DAC2 board (C2700) it took a significant amount $ to beet it in all respects. Few I tried were just side steps for a slight different sound. Your going to have to spend upwards of $3000+ to get any re... 
Are all streamers the same?
I must be the outlier here as I have gone the PC - Roon Nuc - Aurender A10 -Chord 2go/2yu - Apple TV box. and from my experience its not as significant as some people claim. But this is heavily DAC dependent and file type, mastering quality. I've... 
SME 3009 II (improved) won't balance with Shure V15 III
I always thought the V15 was ok on the original SME 3009 but the later versions ie improved were not a suitable match. I'd double check the compliance charts to make sure your in the range.   
Is there a way to stream You-Tube music into a digital amp?
grab an Apple tv box and DL the YouTube app and stream away. can output HDMI and if you find an older 4k unit it also has optical out.  I've used one for years to stream YouTube, tidal and every other streaming service available on apple devices.... 
Electrostatics and tubes
In the end of the day you can always add an outboard transformer (Autoformer) to help with impedance matching issues when using either of these. This can help with the really low impedance of Magi's and some ESL's. This should be fine with your am... 
Bookshelf speaker recommendations
Oh sorry it was 11 speakers not 20.    https://youtu.be/xV_Fm_TUro4?si=AoATPGUOOqtqLC-z  
Bookshelf speaker recommendations
Search YouTube, one of the larger reviewers there just released a book shelf speaker round up of 20 different speakers. With audio clips if that's something your into. I'll see if I can find it and update this post with the link.   
Receiver having audio out jack for recording analog sources
What's your budget?  do yo mean you want a receiver? or any preamp amp combo. receiver traditionally means tuner-preamp-amp in one box, not many of them being made anymore. McIntosh makes one still.  One option is a vintage piece with tape outs.... 
Fair Blind Test??
If you guys can not hear a difference between tracks on YouTube I'm thinking its you and your bias, as I can readily hear a difference. Specially when the poster takes the time to do a proper setup using good mic's etc. sure its compressed some bu... 
Source for Garrard 301 plinth (and other 301 questions)
just some advice after doing this with my 301. one, do not skimp on a plinth. use one of the tested/trialed plinth designs on many 301 threads. this is critical to reduce rumble.  second, you may need to disassemble your motor to lubricate its b... 
Repair options for Placette passive linestage?
Take it to a local technician. Ask your local dealer who does their repairs.  everyone seem to think their prized piece of audio gear is only repairable by the manufacture,  That's just silly. Well unless there is some component that's only avai... 
300B, 2A3 experiances wanted
Friend had, prior to his death, the Elekit 300b amp not sure if its the same model. I will say it was a stunning little amp for the money. He used it on his Cornwall (new). He had a local builder assemble the amp he also go the upgrades with it. f... 
Record cleaning and realistic expectations
Few years ago I bought some records off a collector who had them stored for 30+ years never played. Took multiple cleanings with a ultra sonic cleaner and vacuum cleaner to get all the mold out of the groves. Even after a few cleanings I was still... 
Paradigm Studio 20 V3 Tweeter Swap
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