Responses from gmele
New Quicksilver New Audible Illusions Preamps Jcus- Will there be an upgrade program for those of us who have the M3A? | |
Bad Tube in an Audible Illusion M3A For what it's worth... I only use my AIM3A as a line stage, so in the phono section I put Tungsram 6922's and in the line stage I use 60's Siemans CCA's. I've had them in there over 2 years now and they still sound amazing. Am I the only one who's... | |
Philadelhia Record Show. This years venue? That's great! Thanks so much... | |
Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp? See if you can find a used Audio Research 100.2. You won't be sorry... | |
Two systems in the same room Well... I've done this for a couple of years now and I don't feel I've had any big down sides. I just throw a blanket over the speakers I'm not using and that seems to solve the problem. At various points I've had just the Maggie's in the room and... | |
Awesome new "Kind Of Blue" Redbook CD reissue Your killing me with this news. If I would have know years ago how many copies I would buy of this CD I would have bought stock in Columbia! I'm off to my local record shop. Thanks; ) | |
Audio Research 100.2 amp It's an amazing amp. I've had one for years now and I can't get over just how much it does right. Even if I one day upgrade from it, I'll still keep it as a backup. It's just that good. Enjoy! | |
What will beat ear 834p by a margin It really depends on the rest of your system and what your preferences are. I found that after sending mine to GNSC that the sound of the 834P really opened up quite a bit, the bass got tighter and the frequency extremes all got wider. The modded ... | |
Moving up to audiophile cdp May I suggest an Ayre CX7e. I love mine and can't imagine upgrading this player for another redbook player. Best of luck in your quest! | |
Who mods the EAR 834P You really owe it to yourself to contact Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound Co. His mod of this unit is amazing! Some NOS Mullard CV4004's and your of to the races. For what it's worth, I love mine... | |
ARC LS25 or SFL2 preamp Cmo- Just curious, what are you upgradeing your preamp to? What has given you the bug. Best-Gary... | |
EAR 834P Impedance? As far as mods go I will have to echo what Mark has already stated. I had my 834p modified by Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound. His mods have taken it to a completely new level. Top that off with some NOS Mullards and your off to the races. B... | |
Chris Whitley 1960-2005 Marco, I know what your mean about how fragile life is. I'm the same age and upon hearing the news I called a friend on the west coast who also loved his music. We decided we needed to see each other a little more often as the years start to pass ... | |
Audio Research 100.2 vs. 150.2 Don't do it. With your speakers you will lose the magic... The 150.2 is not in same league as the 100.2. Trust me. | |
EAR 834P tube swapin Heavily modified by GNSC with NOS Mullard CV4004 (Private Reserve) from Upscale Audio. Very close to the sound of the RHEA for about half the price. I love mine. YMMV. |