Responses from inagroove
Power amplifier longevity… thoughts? +1 onhwy61 Who stated - "Of the amps you listed the Ayre would generally be considered a higher quality amp than the others." If you go for an Ayre, they are still in business. I recently had Ayre replace/upgrade the capacitors in my Amp, and t... | |
Refurbished / Re-tipped Cartridges - Are they worth Buying? to lewm Thanks for the questions... YES, in this instance I do have the capacity to just the proper amount of glue that should be used. I have working in science for over 40 years, including microscopy. Under magnification, 3 of the 4 styluses... | |
Refurbished / Re-tipped Cartridges - Are they worth Buying? OP states: "much of the original design attributes are gone" Results vary... I have had 4 identical cartridges retipped by the same vendor. Three sounded great, one sounded so-so... Why? All carts were UPGRADED to a better cantilever and st... | |
Audiogon seller's question My comment should end 'elsewhere' ... sorry, auto-word correction is not always an advantage. Cheers... | |
Audiogon seller's question audioman58 FYI - "now the new Biden laws all transactions you have to pay tax on ,PayPal issues IRS statements ,which are a ripoff you pay taxes when it’s new , now used more taxes , not good." That is a lie (and you should know better). ... | |
Audiogon seller's question OP - You may be wise to disregard encouragement to use Friends & Family - It does NOT offer buyer protection... From the PayPal website: " Ineligible Items and Transactions… Personal Payments including payments sent using PayPal’s friends... | |
I'll welcome myself back after a brief hiatus Hey Russ, Glad to know your journey and that you are moving forward! You may actually enjoy MONO recordings, I do... "Harrison recalled in The Beatles Anthology, “When they invented stereo I remember thinking ‘Why? What do you want two speakers... | |
Those magical days when the HVAC is off Three years ago we purchased a 30+ year-old, custom-built home. Last month we replaced the windows - with 'unbalanced-pane' windows. These unbalance windows have a 2mm pane of glass on the exterior-side and a 3 mm pane of glass on the interior-si... | |
ARC M300 MKII call for help OP - Sorry to hear that those parts are no longer available - They have been in service a long time. This forum is a great resource for locating parts & service. Good Luck! (To those complaining/inferring "ARC won't repair...", please kno... | |
VPI Industries---Love the Company as Much as their Turntables I have owned a Classic II for ~10 years, playing approximately 700 LPs per year. It is a workhorse (with proper maintenance). It is my 'daily driver'. The unpivot design needs frequent calibration/checks of the cart (VTA, azimuth, etc.) to keep ... | |
Deals Gone Bad +2 secretguy & cleeds I will NEVER use PayPal Friends & Family, no matter how inexpensive the item. I hope this thread informs everyone at AG about the shady-side of internet sales. captaindidactic Sorry, but this means I will avoid th... | |
MoFi v/s UHQR bdp24 - QRP (Quality Record Pressing, ... is making the best LP's the world has ever seen... That simply nonsense... Perhaps, in some, more limited LP collections AP is best, but not in mine. I own, or have owned, LPs from most of the common lab... | |
MoFi v/s UHQR Sorry, but it seems that the train has gone off the tracks... First, gross generalizations about SQ are entirely inappropriate and misleading. The SQ of both of these companies' LPs are highly variable, and for logical reasons. Neither company p... | |
Modern Covers of Classics For me, covers are always at a disadvantage. Memories create a strong bias, so it is difficult for me to prefer a cover... With that said, I found TWO covers that, for me, are as good as or better than the original recordings. Interestingly, b... | |
Tube or solid state phono stage? I listen to Rock, Classical, Jazz, and a little Pop and am very happy with my system. I currently use a Hanna ML (MC) > Zesto Andros 1.2 Phono > ARC 6SE Pre... The sound is very neutral, clean and full range without being analytical. I nev... |