
Responses from jackd

Soliloquy or Von Schweikert VR-1
Give Roy a call at Green Mountain and see what he thinks about the use of the Europa in that situation. It is front ported and may or may not work. Also the Reynaud Twin is a front ported transmission line. Also as a previous 5.O owner, I don't th... 
tips for Vandersteen 3A sig
Flying:If you are just using your 3A's in a music setup, try to find (2) used 2W's instead of the 2WQ. They can generally be found used in the $500-$650 range. This eliminates only the adjustable Q feature which according to my conversations with ... 
Preamp to Match Odyssey Stratos
You either need to use a tube preamp or a passive with the Stratos. I have used the stereo Stratos and then upgraded to the monos. Have tried several SS and tube preamps. The best match I have found so far is the Music Reference RM-5. I have also ... 
Meadowlark Kestral Owners! - Amp Help.
I have run my HR Kestrels quite successfully with a Music Reference RM-10 35wpc PP tube amp. This was recommended to me by Pat McGinty of Meadowlark. If you want to try SS I had the best luck with the Belles.