Responses from jayctoy
Audio Alchemy DDE v.3.0 I have both of this unit, When this happen, you are not on the right input or output connections.Ussuallythe Kimber d60 works best and agdl. | |
Bel Canto DAC 2 or Ikemi? Greenman I totally...............AGREE WITH YOU....... | |
Power cord craze What should I get for $100 Slaone Iam totally agreeing with you.To clssify cablelike you did. Its more than enough to educate anyone.Good JOB | |
AH Tjoeb vs. Reja Planet 2000 vs. YBA ??? In my sytem the AH is vey very musical,I use siemens7308 tube,I have the upsampler,its hard to beat.I also like the planet,before I heard the AH,TheJD100 I like it better than the AH but its more expensive. | |
How Do Odyssey Amps Stack Up To McCormack Amps. In my system I like the extreme oddyssey monoblock, than krell fpb 300, than x250 pass lab, than plinius sa 100, I compare this three amps side by side,To my ears the extreme are more musical, more natural,bass is more natural, the pianos are beau... | |
Best SACD/CD player I can get for $5k new or used Buy Sony 9000es for maybe $600 then send it to Modwrightget the signature reference mod, with tube oustage,anddac upgrades, with volume control,For $1700 fee. Anduse the extra $2700 buy good quality disc,SACD disc,excellent player after the mod, e... | |
Neutrally sounding CDP with a good resolution? I would strongly recommend Ah 4000 Njoe Tjoeb with 7308 siemens tube,very good player, or the JolidaJd 100 with Tsunami pc.You cant go wrong on this two.Both very musical. | |
Sony DVD9000es player not decoding hybrid SACD Ok I tried this I am not sure why It works, I am not likeSean who can almost explain every little thing in audio,this guy is good, I have two hybrid sacd that my sony 9000es wont play in sacd mode only redbook,What I did is I played the single lay... | |
If it were you, which non-Sony SACD? Slip I spend $1700 for the mod,of my sony 9000es.I went all the way, they say the tube and dac upgradeis the one that made all the difference.I also believethe volume control, did improve the sony.Its better thanwhen Iam using my 2k preamp in my s... | |
If it were you, which non-Sony SACD? Slip what sony do you have? Did you have the tube outputstage,dac upgrade and parts, with volume control,I havethe Sony 9000es, this cd player is so musical, hardto beat especially in SACD mode, redbook is good too. | |
CEC Transport Jeff the cec transport I have is very very reliable.For repair ask audio advisor. | |
Pass X250, Classe CAM200 or... IMS sytem consist of andra,art audio preamp,siltech wire,ps audio 300, the pass did not even sound musical at allvery dry, it generate reasonable heat, compare to Krellthe heat of x250 is nothing,then I return the x250 tomy friend,who has thiel CS... | |
Sony DVD9000es player not decoding hybrid SACD How can you clean the laser Rp? | |
Decent SACD? Nguyen If you have extra cash, Send it to for modificationto Dan Wright with the signature ref mod, with volumecontrol,You will be surprise with the music you will get,I have mine modified, believe me, this cd is worth atleast 5k, with the audienc... | |
Power Cord for Odyssey Stratos Trip have you consider the powerchord audience? I haveit on my cdp sony mod,but my friend told they are evenbetter on amp.This powerchord makes music,cpc model 11are good too, In the near future I will try this audience. |