

Responses from jayctoy

Pass X250, Classe CAM200 or...
IMS sytem consist of andra,art audio preamp,siltech wire,ps audio 300, the pass did not even sound musical at allvery dry, it generate reasonable heat, compare to Krellthe heat of x250 is nothing,then I return the x250 tomy friend,who has thiel CS... 
Sony DVD9000es player not decoding hybrid SACD
How can you clean the laser Rp? 
Decent SACD?
Nguyen If you have extra cash, Send it to for modificationto Dan Wright with the signature ref mod, with volumecontrol,You will be surprise with the music you will get,I have mine modified, believe me, this cd is worth atleast 5k, with the audienc... 
Power Cord for Odyssey Stratos
Trip have you consider the powerchord audience? I haveit on my cdp sony mod,but my friend told they are evenbetter on amp.This powerchord makes music,cpc model 11are good too, In the near future I will try this audience. 
Shanling CDT-100 Great or Bad ?
I agree with Tvad the Sony mod 9000es signature refis so musical, I tried the power chord from audiencemy system went to the next level,Iam very very pleasewith the musicality of this sony mod,consider it veryseriously,Dan is a good guy.I mean rea... 
Upgrade Path: CDP or Preamp
I agree with the Jolida CDP very good choice. 
I just sold my cd player what should i get?
Sorlowski I have the Ah with upsampler and 7308 tubessiemens extremely musical player,I also have the msb with upgrade power,and cec transport ,this two front end,arevery musical, but when I got my sony back from ModwrightI forgot this two front e... 
I just sold my cd player what should i get?
Ok My last post last June that I will send my sony9000esto Dan Wright (Modwright).How did it sound sooo..musicallifelike,holgraphic sound,voices are with lust and sweet,the redbook is very good, my old cd collections soundedlike never before.With ... 
DAC for Sony SCD 777ES, Levinson, Audio Note?
I have my Sony 9000es mod by Dan Wright with tube outputits almost a month now, its so musical, NO HARSCH ALSO,with DAC and parts upgrade.Now I listen to music notsound.Give Dan Wright a call see what he will say, Iguarantee you, He is very honest... 
DAC for Sony SCD 777ES, Levinson, Audio Note?
Have you ever thought about modification with yourSony 777es? If you want tube sound modwright isthe way to go.If you want solid state Richard Kernis onother guy.They are talking about this meitnergear, you might want to check them also.Sorry noid... 
MSB Link II vs. Musical Fidelity X-DAC
Yes they work best on toslink get the xlo toslink.The sound is more neutral, and natural, music directI think they mention this too, couple of years agoit works. 
Power Cord for Odyssey Stratos
I have the extreme mono stratos, i use the costum power cord model 11, they pair very well. 
Audio Note CD 2.1 - any takes?
Good idea to consider Sony mod,If you want ss,RichardKern is a good one, from what I read, If you want tubeoutput, Modwright is the way to go. 
Decent SACD?
For the money, you want to spend, you can buy Philip 1000DVD,SACD, and cd player, or you can buy sony 9000esand both send them to Dan Modwright for modification.If you can still find them. 
The best DAC for the money