

Responses from jayctoy

Anyone modded a Sony 999es?
Tony go to harmonicdiscord.com,discussion forum ofModwright is under modifications and tweaks, clickthe mod LLC,the post is under Retsels and PaulBui,this two loves musics not sound, Paul own 999es,They did a very good review like jobee of asylum. 
Anyone modded a Sony 999es?
Tony even if there is other modifier, I will stickwith Dan, this guy is genius.The soundstage of thisunit is so wide,and the depth is exceptional, thatswhy I get good hologrphic sound.Its the tube stageand the dac (triple dac upgrade also).But the... 
Anyone modded a Sony 999es?
Yes Sir, I did, My sony 9000es was modded by Dan Wright(MODWRIGHT),Before I will continue,Let me tell you, Idont work for Dan, He is from Oregon, I am from IL,In fact did not get any penny discount.For $17401)Level III mod plus Tube Stage.2)DAC MO... 
Does the Mark Levinson 331 suck?
Kevin,Auaaron is right on the money,the 331 likestube preamp like the audio research LS22,it isa good amp, they like dark sounding speaker,andsilver wire audioquest,But it is a good amp.Bepatient,you are experiencing component mismatch.Iaudition t... 
speaker hiss with audio aero capitole mkII
Sorry about my post I didnt proof read it, You candamage, I think the Krell amp or the tube preamp.Read the instruction of Krell.Iam not sure if yourare using cd direct. 
speaker hiss with audio aero capitole mkII
Rafael, I audition Krell 300 KPB and when I read thebrochure of krell, I think if you use tube, youiether the amp or your cd if you use it direct,Read the Krell instruction. 
CD Player modifications- Improved Sound?
Phild, thank you for describing the night and dayexplanation, I wish, I Have the expertise likeyou to describe. 
CD Player modifications- Improved Sound?
I am not sure if Modwright offer the mod you need,If you are asking me,will it improve the sound? Inmy experience with my sony 9000es, its NIGHTAND DAY.I dont work for for Dan, just sharing. 
SONY SCD-1 vs the New Generation of Competition
I agree with Jwin, these sony mod they shine,as they burn in. Although mine right out ofthe box.it sounds really really good.In oneweek, It became more and more musical, mine has tube stage.Done by Modright. 
XRCD Technology
Vderic you are totally right, I bought the xrcd discof Andrea Bocelli ROMANZA,its very thin sounding,no romance sound.Same thing with SACD its doesntmean its sacd, its automatically a good recording.NOT SO. BE CAREFUL. 
SONY SCD-1 vs the New Generation of Competition
Rbstehno, I received my sony9000es level III modtube stage, analog Bybee filters, Amp Direct Modwith DACT-2 Attenuator.I dont use preamp anymore,The sound is so musical,sound stage is huge, instruments are on the place, vocal beautiful.the bass is... 
Cardas Golden Power Cord.....
Trip try the costum power cord model 11, I havethe mono extreme,they are good for amp.SinceI bought this pc, I am very happy. Sometimes I will post here to get an idea, but most ofpc recommendatio are between 1000 to 1500 dollars.Yes cardas pc are... 
CD players with volume control ?????
I received my sony 9000 es signature mod ref from DanWright, It was delayed, because I hesitated to putvolume control,Finally I did.When I play cd directto my aextreme monos, I think its better.This is without burn in.My preamp is more than 2k.The... 
Anyone using NITES on their CD player??
You know Flex you are right I am glad you brought thisneutral thing,Also I think the sounstring is not as balance from top to bottom.Maybe the guy is talking about the price, what you can get on the SS, compareto KimberP. Thanks for the insight. 
Cable break-in
Just be patient,especially cardas it takes forever,but once they burn, the musicality its worth beingpatient, with my oddyssey also it took 3 mos,I almost gave up, once they open up,IMS they performbetter than amp 3 time the price.good luck