

Responses from jayctoy

Speaker tweak
rewire them with good silver wire like siltech, thisworks, my friend and tried every wt. we can think ofit improves no doubt but in a very small subtle effect,its cheaper, no skills require,or use use good copperif your sysrem is on the bright sid... 
If i had the money.....
Musicluvr i got my feb issue there is nothing to it.I saw the absolute sound there more new productsand more interesting review.I also notice Sterophilereviewer very few equipment they dont like,most ofthe big names they like them. I am tired of r... 
Inexpensive tweak
thank you for all this creative cat tweak,sometimesaudiophile need this type of thread i enjoyed greatly,Since I have seen people eating cats, and dogs, fromthe Orient, how about eating dog and al la cat delicasiesjust like having one coctail befo... 
Time for a total system upgrade
I agree with Socrates, I think he is right on the moneyhere. 
Ok, beating the dead horse AGAIN
I agree plinius dont like tube a lot, I use krell ksland replace it with adcom gfa 750, this too make goodmusic, i tried the art audio it did not work. 
Opinions, Classe Omega verse Levinson 333 or 336
Ive heard the levinson 332 333 334 this three did notsound very musical they sound dry, and grayish, Iheard them with andra's, the ML 100 I heard it connectedwith audio research LSS 22,THETA FRONT END,and dragonsp cable, diamond ic, kef 105, this ... 
Norh Speakers from Thailand: High-end or Hype??
Phasecorrect this was also my first thought,I will neverbuy anything that i dont see, hear, even touch, or maybesmell, my friend said why buy norh, there are B&W out there he said, good speaker, good reputation, He said he will go out and see ... 
Electrostat Power cords
kimber power cords they sound good on the logan, and themit z cord power cord if your system is the on bright side.you can try harmonic technology if want more highs to come out. 
odyssey amp's how do they compare to others
Mfb33, Iam not an owner of the stratos yet,I heard aboutthis amp from the my friend, and read all the thread,it only takes 5 threads to figure out, if I will have interest on this monos atratos, Socrates, and Rbstehno'sare more than enough for me ... 
Ok this will be a good thread.
Eagle i do like this question about comparing digitalsource to speakers. Let me share you my experience on this because i have 2 system at home, I will respect every opinion you have.My experience tell me that wheni went to my friend house the fir... 
Magnepan vs. Martin Logan
cwlondon your comparison is hard to beat so accurate,i useto listen tomy friend maggies, i own ML quest,upgraded withsiltech, world of a difference, for logan it took me 5 yearsto get the most out of them, like learning how to positionthem, sa 100... 
Who is the Youngest Audiogoner??
well iam twelve when we have our stereo,way back in theorient,i will do anything if my sister would let meplay our system which is akai,made from Japan.Toobad there is no audiogon then.today iam 45 but younglooking,coz stereo is one that relax me,... 
The best hybrid amp?
Well it makes sense to get best of both world, butmy humble opinion,i will go for ss amp, and goodtube preamp, or good tube cd player.This works forme and i heard a lot of this combinations, i liketo ssimplify things, my friend we use do argue abo... 
preamp vs. no-preamp
I am for with preamp.Flemke by the the adcom 750 is moretansparent than krell ksl i used to have.I think verypeople realize how good is this 750.sorry to get sidetrack.I have tried theta cd,dac audioalchemy,and heard wadia,and heard the accuphase ... 
Norh Speakers from Thailand: High-end or Hype??
I would like to add also about,how i feel when my friend told me,that one of his friend his buying a speaker inThailand, Norh Co., He showed me the picture of marble 9they look like flashlight to me.We bought agree our friendis better off buying t...