

Discussions jcbach has started

VPI Aries Questions37217
Bass Question - should LP range be so different?47918
Your Holiday/Christmas Favorite Recordings606521
Phono Pickup Transformer - What's Good to Get?38533
Tube Pre-amp Phono 60 Cycle Hum - Big Time31143
The Best Inexpensive Wines Available Now45241124
Which Classic Componets Would You Collect?818219
What speakers would match well to my tube system?36417
Money Is No Object Your 20th Century Wish List.17210
Choral or Classical Vocal Recordings - Must Have719117
Building Rack - Need Suggestions for Maple & Brass23382
Damned if I Do and Damed if I Don't764532
Recommended Reading Suggestions21793
How Do You Stack Your Equipment?36104
How Do You Price to Sell Classical LPs?29444