
Discussions jpbach has started

Best way to connect Sony UBP-X800M2 for DVD-A and SACD50664
Reasonably priced integrated to power KEF Q65.2?107606
Tape in + tape monitor = passive preamp?97467
Stands for PMC FB1+36115
CD swapping services13100
Interconnects between Bryston BCD-1 and B60R60418
Arcam FMJ CD36 or Musical Fidelity A5?84643
Why so little Primare gear on A'gon? Bad rep?3080240
Hints on how to sell on A'gon?686326
Bargain interconnects to tame treble & boost bass?4059469
Speaker cable gauge and amplifier power1163619
Shouldn't amp reviews employ multiple speakers?548411
How much oomph does the Bryston B60 have?61124
Monitors or floor-standers with Bryston B60SST?61595
Creek 5350SE - Is it all that?1951113