Responses from kingbr
Low buzzing through speaks Thanks @ianrmack for replying. My home is older, built in 1974. But that buzz was not there previously. I checked out the Emotiva piece, but how would I integrate that with the Furman Elite? I have 2 powered subs, my preamp, my DAC, cd player, ca... | |
What’s Voodoo power cords signature sounding? I have actually owned several Voodoo cables. They seem well made and I think their Black Magic power cord is an absolute steal at its’ price point. I found them to have more of an almost darker sound in my system. I was using their Essence XLR IC’... | |
Best vibration isolation for speakers on carpet? Hi again All, Appreciate ALL your thoughtful and supportive replies! Thank you! So I ended up ordering 8 of the Herbie's Threaded Stud Gliders. Much as I would have gone for some of your other suggestions, cost was a very big factor and th... | |
Best vibration isolation for speakers on carpet? Hi All, First off thank you all so very much for all the great replies! Sounds like the Townshend Podiums would be the way to go. Unfortunately I can't afford the cost otherwise I'd do it :(. In addition to the 208's I also bought the 208C and... | |
Coax or RCA question? Thank you @ghdprentice! That was my thought as well but Integra is the higher end of Onkyo. So I wanted to get some opinions/advice from the experts here. The problem is I truly have to turn into a contortionist to make any tweaks in behind my rig... | |
U.P.S So sorry to hear this man. I used to work at UPS 100 years ago and if you ever saw what packages go through BEFORE they even make it to the delivery trucks you’d be horrified! They just try and push through as much volume as possible in as little ... | |
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life? Dynaudio Audience 82. First time I ever truly experienced and then understood the term "disappear" when describing speakers. I remember the very first time I sat down for a critical listen after bringing them home and waiting about a week for them... | |
Desperately seeking some advice/tips for my S.M.S.L. SU-9 DAC Thank you for all who have taken your time to reply. Great advice and I sincerely appreciate it...First things first and I’m running this puppy for a few days to break in before I play with the different settings...It does not have a standby mode ... | |
Desperately seeking some advice/tips for my S.M.S.L. SU-9 DAC Thank you @spenav and @lordmelton for taking the time to reply. Your time and advice is truly appreciated :) I'll start with @lordmelton's suggestions and then play around from there. I know the manufacturer is just giving options-which is a g... | |
Best Stereo Upgrade Value Speakers. I remember when I first started out 23+ years ago and going from Bose to Definitive Technology to B&W and then finally to Dynaudio. Each time offered a pretty significant jump in improvement. But pre Dyn nothing came close to the imp... | |
Speakers known for great midrange. I'll have to throw another plug for Dynaudio. In all my years of listening/owning different brands I have not found any other speaker that can compete with the Danes, especially in the mids... | |
Speakers: Anything really new under the sun? I was actually in the exact same situation about 4 years ago. 20 year hiatus and then wanted to get back in. I feel you 100% jaybird! Had the same thoughts and wonders...But I knew where I left off was where I should start. With the speaks. Back t... | |
Sound Better w/Amp Directly Into Wall Then Thru Zero Surge @johnto VERBATIM! This is exactly what both Shunyata and the folks at Simaudio said. I had reached out to Shunyata on a question regarding one of their power cords and when I mentioned I had my amp plugged into a Furman Elite 20PFi Richard at Shu... | |
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to? @bigtex22 GREAT post! I've often wondered this same thing. | |
Speakers with a slightly warm midrange I would add Dynaudio. I have a pair of Sonus Faber Sonetto III and also Dynaudio Evoke 50. For me, I find the Danes to be much more airy and lifelike. The SF's almost sound a bit more muddled when compared to the Dynaudio's. Believe me I am not kn... |