

Responses from kr4

++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++
Yeah. They should lock us in: No trips and no visitors. ;-) 
silly HT front/rear matching question?
Should work OK. The most important matching is across the front. 
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++
Golden_ears wrote: "Actually, if a player breaks down more than once on the reviewer, (or if it is not a good product) there are two opinions on what should happen: - terminate the review process and send the designer back to the drawing board - p... 
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++
You wrote: "good advertisers=good revues." Again, if you have any proof that there is such a quid pro quo relationship, please let us know. I am not asking for anecdotes or any simple statistical study, just an agreement in writing or a verbal one... 
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++
You wrote: "I've heard from people in the business that it can cost a lot of money to get a Class "A" rating..... The price was too high for the maufacturer to get a review there, so Sterophile doesn't get that component for review."Speaking as so... 
Thoughts on Paradigm Studio 60's?
Whatever the issue, you cannot avoid adaptation. It happens. 
Thoughts on Paradigm Studio 60's?
I think you have to let your ears adapt. The Studio60s are much smoother, flatter than the punchy Polks. 
What is a switching power supply for amps and
Chord uses them in their amps. 
2ch to 1ch... Stereo to Mono issues.
My SF Line3 has a mono switch which maintains 6dB of channel separation to minimize phase cancellation and puts the mono(!) output on both channels. Works well. 
2ch to 1ch... Stereo to Mono issues.
There are two issues. One is that there is signal cancellation of anything that is out-of-phase in the two (stereo) channels. There being nothing out-of-phase between the two mono sides, there is no cancellation and the resulting signals are loude... 
Luxman 441 vs. Technics SL-1200mk2 as first TT?
I agree about the Luxman/SME combo as the most attractive. However, as someone who has bought a 441 and a 444 by mail in the past 2 years only to have them both delivered with damaged main bearings, I would only buy one in person. Even the origina... 
Just got my new ASL Hurricanes....and.......
It's only partly the power; it's primarily the gain. You need to match the gain of the bass and treble amps by using amps with the same gain or introducing a control to do it. 
Revel center channel help. C-30, C-50 or Voice?
The M20 can work well in the center under ideal conditions. However, the C-30, C-50 and Voice feature controls to adjust for their position in the room and in relationship to a video screen/monitor. Thus, they are much more likely to give a better... 
Revel center channel help. C-30, C-50 or Voice?
I think the big issue is the matching of the center to the L/R speakers. Although they are all from the same family, I would ask Revel for insight about the matching. 
Where can I have the amplifier voltage switched ?
Unless the electronic components have dual-primaries in their power transformers, I doubt that it is practical to convert all this. One route is to get very heft step-down transformers to run your 120VAC stuff on 240VAC. Another is to sell them an...