Responses from kr4
Revel center channel help. C-30, C-50 or Voice? I think the big issue is the matching of the center to the L/R speakers. Although they are all from the same family, I would ask Revel for insight about the matching. | |
Where can I have the amplifier voltage switched ? Unless the electronic components have dual-primaries in their power transformers, I doubt that it is practical to convert all this. One route is to get very heft step-down transformers to run your 120VAC stuff on 240VAC. Another is to sell them an... | |
SACD with remote volume avaliable? The XA777ES has volume control for the headphone jack only. | |
"New" IMF speakers at CES 2003: Need info--Help Shayne is also the head of IMF Audio. | |
"New" IMF speakers at CES 2003: Need info--Help Try Shane Tenace at | |
Best Speakers Compatable with System Three suggestions:1. Think about getting the bass modules. I've seen them (w the EOS) on eBay in the past. You might also get in touch with the designer to see if he'll make you a pair. (Contact me off-line for info.)2. Think about getting a pair ... |