Responses from limomangus
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps? $80,000 I could get my townhouse redone. | |
Speakers that are a great value! When you want a pair of speakers that cost to much ,just wait ,the prices will drop. Or buy used ,I have saved hundreds buying scratched or dented ones . | |
Just confused Wear headphones and smoke a j ,and chill out . | |
In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment Well if you can afford a $125,000 watch that's nice .I hardly ever wear a watch and when I do my $150 Sieko serves me fine.I also drive a 2006 Honda Accord which I don't gave to worry about getting scratched when I park it.I do have a stereo sys... | |
Unreal prices All I can say is I bought a Sony Str 7065 ,70 wpc for $350 from Crazy Eddie's in Bklyn NY in 1973.This was Sonys top of the line Receiver.Its now 2020 and it still works ,nothing has ever been done to it. Sony equipment was made to last . | |
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!! How come break in time wasn't even thought about in the 70s or 80s or 90s ? Was equipment better made then? Or are we being made fools of ? | |
Network Transport vs. CD Transport Just take your cd out of its case and just put it in your cd player and is to short ,enjoy what you have and be happy.... | |
Emotiva not so good I only have a Emotiva CD player.ERC-3 I love it well like alot ,lol. | |
Digiital source material: what do people do/makes the most sense... Cds are selling cheap right now.I get lots 300 for $100 ,150 for $100 etc good stuff ,in good condition....most of the time but friday I bought 200 for $60 and they were worth nothing ...buyer beware ,lol. | |
What do you do with your old LP's that don't meet your quality standards. That's for you ,but the dealer made out like a bandit, they always do...6 years ago I got rid of 1200 albums for 1500.i started collecting in the mid 60s but even as a teenager I took care of my albums.Then in 1973 I got disc washer brush and st... | |
Bose 901 Back in 1973 I had a choice used 901s with stands and a special wood base to bring the to ear level. Or JBL 100s.the Bose were $350 the JBLs $525 So I bought the Bose drove them with Sony Str 7065 rated at 70wpc and Technics Sl1350 with Shure v15... | |
What other Hobbies or Interests Do You Have? Well Cooking,long walks ,watching you tube ,searching thrifts,used to fish alot but not anymore. | |
Selling locally/Value questions YOU can try Letgo. | |
Would you sell to someone with no feedback? True sometimes you gave to take a chance .Like buying a lotto ticket , does marrying your girlfriend fault into the same action ? | |
Life is too short to buy someone else's favorite stereo gear Really ,I guess my time is near ,I buy used stuff all the time.Thats the only way I can effort it. |