

Responses from llg98ljk

It was 61 years ago today...
Saw the Beatles live at Busch stadium in St Louis, August of 1966. All in all, a totally underwhelming experience. Too weak sound system for such a large outdoor space. It rained and what little sound we heard was largely drowned out by the scream... 
Those singers you enjoy,....that don't really have a great voice?
Gordon Lightfoot (post aneurysm). Some don't know when to retire. Chris Christofferson Yoko Ono  
Any Discwasher D4 users out there?
I have an original D4 kit with the brushes and Zerostat gun in a walnut holder. Also have a spare bottle of the D4 fluid, still in the blister pack. This is all the original made in Columbia, Mo. The blister pack still shows the price of $2.50. ... 
Heist/ crime songs
Betty & DuPree: by Peter, Paul and Mary  
Favourite Guitarists
I'm an acoustic person so no electric only people would be on my list.  in no order: Arthel (Doc) Watson                    Tony Rice                     Clarence White                    Vince Gill                    Richard Smith          ... 
System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live
Many years ago, I recall reading some literature about Klipsh. Their contention was that one of the most difficult sounds to reproduce was  scissors cutting a piece of paper.  
Bedini Amp repair
FYI, Alpha Tech is no more.  Closed shop several years ago.  
Acoustic Guitar on Vinyl
jdjohn; Dan Tyminski is a good player but mostly a rhythm player. His bandmate Ron Block is fantastic player. His tasteful fills and tone he pulls from his old D-28 are something to behold. The band being relatively new, little is available on ... 
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
Not one mention of Yoko Ono?  
What is your favorite cover?
@berner99 Her name is Toni Lindgren. Fabulous guitar player, My favorites change frequently. Currently enjoy Katie Pruitt's cover of After the Gold Rush. Katie Pruitt - After the Gold Rush (Official Audio) - YouTube Good quality recording, 24/... 
Bigger and Better: Integrated Amplifiers
I did notice some subtle improvements when I traded in my Realistic SA10 for a CH Precision l1 Universal integrated. Many veils were lifted,  
Best speakers around $130k?
I can't decide if the Bayz Audio products are coffee makers or drill presses. Possibly a band saw?  
How long do good speakers last?
Bought a pair of ADS L810 II's in 1978. Used them until about 5 yearsago. Passed them on to my brother and as far as I know, still making sounds. Only issue I ever had was blown tweeter fuses when my worthless step son used them while I was at work, 
So two pages of pontification,OP asks REL or JL?REL is out because of China origin.Was there a question there? 
Easily the best and most significant sonic tweak one could ever make!
I am soon to turn 73 and suffer from what I consider "mild" hearing loss.My left ear is down about 40% compared to my right.I am fortunate that I ran across a Hearing aid training study at one of our local medical schools. Highly ranked institutio...