Responses from llg98ljk
It was 61 years ago today... Saw the Beatles live at Busch stadium in St Louis, August of 1966. All in all, a totally underwhelming experience. Too weak sound system for such a large outdoor space. It rained and what little sound we heard was largely drowned out by the scream... | |
Those singers you enjoy,....that don't really have a great voice? Gordon Lightfoot (post aneurysm). Some don't know when to retire. Chris Christofferson Yoko Ono | |
Any Discwasher D4 users out there? I have an original D4 kit with the brushes and Zerostat gun in a walnut holder. Also have a spare bottle of the D4 fluid, still in the blister pack. This is all the original made in Columbia, Mo. The blister pack still shows the price of $2.50. ... | |
Heist/ crime songs Betty & DuPree: by Peter, Paul and Mary | |
Favourite Guitarists I'm an acoustic person so no electric only people would be on my list. in no order: Arthel (Doc) Watson Tony Rice Clarence White Vince Gill Richard Smith ... | |
System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live Many years ago, I recall reading some literature about Klipsh. Their contention was that one of the most difficult sounds to reproduce was scissors cutting a piece of paper. | |
Bedini Amp repair FYI, Alpha Tech is no more. Closed shop several years ago. | |
Acoustic Guitar on Vinyl jdjohn; Dan Tyminski is a good player but mostly a rhythm player. His bandmate Ron Block is fantastic player. His tasteful fills and tone he pulls from his old D-28 are something to behold. The band being relatively new, little is available on ... | |
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding Not one mention of Yoko Ono? | |
What is your favorite cover? @berner99 Her name is Toni Lindgren. Fabulous guitar player, My favorites change frequently. Currently enjoy Katie Pruitt's cover of After the Gold Rush. Katie Pruitt - After the Gold Rush (Official Audio) - YouTube Good quality recording, 24/... | |
Bigger and Better: Integrated Amplifiers I did notice some subtle improvements when I traded in my Realistic SA10 for a CH Precision l1 Universal integrated. Many veils were lifted, | |
Best speakers around $130k? I can't decide if the Bayz Audio products are coffee makers or drill presses. Possibly a band saw? | |
How long do good speakers last? Bought a pair of ADS L810 II's in 1978. Used them until about 5 yearsago. Passed them on to my brother and as far as I know, still making sounds. Only issue I ever had was blown tweeter fuses when my worthless step son used them while I was at work, | |
REL vs JL AUDIO So two pages of pontification,OP asks REL or JL?REL is out because of China origin.Was there a question there? | |
Easily the best and most significant sonic tweak one could ever make! I am soon to turn 73 and suffer from what I consider "mild" hearing loss.My left ear is down about 40% compared to my right.I am fortunate that I ran across a Hearing aid training study at one of our local medical schools. Highly ranked institutio... |