Responses from matias_estudio
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking? I must agree with you millercarbon :), but sounds nice to say it, right? | |
The first system you had that was "high end/audiophile", by you standards The Gale's are one of the few things I sold that I regret. Nice piece of engineering those speakers! the shape is weird, but amazing sound. | |
Schiit Lokius anyone? Thank you guys for your review on this unit. I´m pretty interested in an EQ very simply to be used, as I have a krell amplifier which is absolutely great, but it does not have Tone Controls, and sometimes in some songs, I would like to have the po... | |
Why the hate for mcintosh amps? I don´t like McIntosh amplifiers, but they are hell of a piece in terms of audio gear. I prefer Krell, Accuphase, Hegel, and some others. | |
does anyone own ProAc D30 or D48 WITHOUT the ribbon tweeter? Well, IMHO it depends. Maybe the Proac dome tweeter is not that good as in other brands. For instance, in comparison to the Esotar2 or Esotar3 from Dynaudio which is from my point of view best of market at least from what I´ve listened (apart from... | |
What speaker do you passionately want to demo? I would really like to demo the Sonus Faber Electa Amator III in my home. I´ve listened to the old Electa Amator II and they were one of the best bookshelves I had the pleasure to listen to. Humble desire :) | |
Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home Speakers with a Used Krell KAV-400xi or S550i Integrated Amp I have the Krell S550i, and I had the chance to also listened to the S300i. The S550i sounds much better while the S300i (in my years) is not that good (even being still a good integrated). | |
Opinion on NAD C368 bridged with C268? Hi Darberb, did you go for the C268? or at least did you have the chance to listen for differences (if any) using the bridge mode with mono-amps setup? Thank you for your comments. | |
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking? Even being this thread pretty old, and as I´m new at this community, I wanted to participate.I´m "done" looking for bookshelf speakers, I have the Dynaudio Confidence C1 Platinum, and after having had heard a lot of options, I believe I won´t sell... |