Responses from meby
PreAmp shortlist:ARC LS8MKII, BC BC21, Rogue 99? I listened to the BAT vk3i today and was very impressed with the balance, nothing really stood out it just seemed like it did everything right. The only thing that made me nervous was there was a very high noise floor. Is a high noise floor charac... | |
PreAmp shortlist:ARC LS8MKII, BC BC21, Rogue 99? I was just using the VTM 200 to describe the sound quality I like, if I could afford those suckers I would buy them. But they are way out of my price range! | |
PreAmp shortlist:ARC LS8MKII, BC BC21, Rogue 99? I am completely rebuilding after a bad Home Theatre experience. I have a auditioned the Vandersteen 2ce sig and the new ProAc mini monitors that are replacing the Tablette 2000 and to my ears the ProAcs were much better. The Vandersteens were way ... | |
I'm Freaked Out by this Tube comparison Kevziek, I am in the market for a new amp and the ARC VT100 is one of the amps I like. Is it that much better sounding than the Power2? What qualities are better on the ARC? I am seeing some pretty good deals on Power 2s out there and am just wond... | |
Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why? Since I am a newbie to the higher end of audio do you all think I should stay away from a Transport/DAC combo and go with a single box solution for my source? Am I justified in my hesistance to mess with all of that extra cabling and jitter reduc... | |
Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why? South43, How would you describe the sound of the LS7? I have read that the sound of older AR equipment is very different from that of the latest gear. I am planning on auditioning the Meadowlark speakers unfortunately I have a two hour drive for t... | |
Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why? Chelillingworth, No my dealer only had the standard Tempest. He did have the Magnum version of the 66 and the Magnum version of the 88 but the standard 99 and monos. I will have to go back for another session. Is there really that big of a differe... | |
Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why? Well I am narrowing it down a bit. I started auditioning yesterday with the Rogue Tempest with Vandersteen 2CEsig and a Linn Genki player and Audioquest cable and interconnects. I was a little disappointed with this combo although the sound was no... | |
Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why? Yeah I know what you mean on so called high end shops, even when I find one who carries the brand I like I do not trust the salesmen. I can not tell you how many times while auditioning speakers I have caught salesman having a sub on and not menti... | |
Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why? The Audio Aero Prima you refer to at $1600 is that the new one that does not have a tubed output stage and buffer? Does that player do upsampling? I went to the VMPS web site I think, it does not appear to have any info on dealers, pricing, etc., ... | |
Brightness Differences Between Daytime and Evening Dan,Maybe your mood when you are listening is the culprit. I know that sometimes when I have a lot on my mind I can not concentrate on my music and I do not enjoy it as much. | |
Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why? This may be a little in bad form, but I am planning on going to the Audio shops just to audition equipment to see what I like and then purchase off of Audiogon. The only equipment I feel maybe a bad idea to buy off of Audiogon is speakers and CD p... | |
Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why? So far the advice I have received has been very helpful. I am leaning towards deciding on my speaker selection first and building my system around them. But I also believe the theory of garbage in garbage out so that makes the source the most impo... | |
Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why? 1.Associated equipment; lets just say I am completely rebuilding my system, I had tried the HT route and built a system that was unbearable in 2 channel and sold most of the equipment. I kept my CD player an old denon; which I plan to replace and ... | |
Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why? That was the main reason I was starting to lean towards the pre/amp combo just to be able to have the best of both worlds a tube pre and SS amp. In your experience, are the synergy issues matching pre to amp a big pain?I am new to Audiogon and hav... |