Responses from omsed
What do you expect a reviewers system to be Right on, Buconero, it's the same with car rags, motorcycle rags, camera rags. Except that it's less professional in audio - smaller goofier industry. | |
VPI Traveler vs Pro-ject Xpression III? I'm a music lover and physicist working in a lab full of equipment. While I have no love for the less than stellar (being polite) precision, speed stability, and bearing noise of a VPI's, nobody is doing anything better at the price and I'd take t... | |
What do you expect a reviewers system to be Fact is that most of them have little deductive reasoning ability, limited experience, limited long term equipment that is really reference quality, and are just as prone to falling in love with a pretty new piece of equipment and manufacturer lin... | |
Linn LP12 vs. VPI Classic 1 and 3 What do you mean the Ariston knock-offs? Ariston developed the turntable and brought it to Linn, a machine shop, to quote parts prices. Linn copied the design and also hired an engineer out of Ariston. The design of the LP12 is Ariston, not Linn. ... | |
Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge Give me a break when you say "The cutting edge has never been plug in and play".That's a joke. Contrary to the pure crap about new technology and advancing the state of the art that you hear from some manufacturers and reviewers, this is a phono c... | |
Tannoy Westminster amp matching question. Find a Convergent Audio Technology JL2 and be done with it, I heard this combination and it did everything you would want it to. | |
How much would an additional motor help One of the most ridiculous concepts put forth by some non-technical turntable experimenters (can't call most of these guys "designers") is the concept of multiple motors. Not necessary, and they introduce more noise, more instability, the reality ... | |
Turntable with stable speed. I strongly disagree about Clearaudio, the DC motor and servo system is one of the worst wow + flutter I've measured. Servo circuits in general are very difficult, you have to pick an error level and time constant. With audio a fast constant gives ... |