Responses from omsed
Sheffield Lab Tony, that is a great. funny response!Sure, generalizations are flawed, but there's more truth to mine, above, than not! | |
Sheffield Lab Sheffield, a main reason for jokes about 'phile recordings?Come on...nothing could be more underwhelming than the work of Wilson in the day of poor taste or poorly performed music. I have a recording by VandenHul that explains the sound of his gea... | |
Pass Labs amps and Avantgarde speakers I would definitely use a small SET tube amp on those speakers. | |
Revel or Aerial Get better associated equipment or go to the Studio 2, but not the Ariel. Good speaker, good company, but they don't have the amazing refinement of the Revels. I would not want to be in a position of competing with Revel. The drivers and execution... | |
TW Acustic Turntable Mat well, essentially that is exactly what everyone is talking about, the original platters are flawed so folk put another thin platter on top (what else is a mat? The record cannot tell if it is a platter or mat)to come up with another set of comprom... | |
What benefits to expect from tonearm upgrade Stringreen, you have not listened to the right arms then. There can be dramatic improvements. | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Living in the past and in denial, not dangerously. | |
Views on Siltech cables with Pass Labs Pre/Power Try Discovery, try Analysis Plus, and be aware that all of the cable dogma you will read is complete fiction. Many of the "detailed" cables you hear about are full of distortion, ringing, that folks interpret as detail and that covers up true deta... | |
Has anyone had trouble with speed on their tt Richard, very easy to read with a frequency counter and test record with steady tone. In a fraction of a second I've seen servos change 30 hz when playing a 2150 hertz tone. | |
Why so little discussion about Snell ? Sorry about the extra words/letters in my post 3 above this, it was supposed to say "I would take any Snell of those days to an equivalently priced Thiel.........."Where those extra letters and words "Snell htatigTrii, though" came from, I have no... | |
Why so little discussion about Snell ? Phasecorrect is correct, the C was a letdown relative to the A series and the E, when keeping the relative prices in mind. A nice speaker in some ways, but lacking in some ways relative to the others. Even ignoring the price range, the E did some ... | |
Why so little discussion about Snell ? Snell lasted a long time after he died, but the original models by Peter were the best. I suspect he would be a force today had he not died.Nice car. | |
Afraid to buy new speakers Get creative, there are plenty of softening things to hang on the wall, or support with a simple structure wont be seen after you hang the carpet or panels on the structure. Minimal money, major improvements. | |
Any speaker have the similar sounding of Wilson Hopefully not. | |
Moving-Coil Step-Up Transformer SUT A friend let me hear the MY Sonic transformer and it is tremendous, I heard it into the Ypsilon phono. |