Responses from onhwy61
Spkr cbls & IC's-must they be same brand Unless you have a strong reason not to, i.e. you really know what you're doing, stay with the same manufacturer. My only qualification to this statement is that it applies to "good" wire manufacturers. As a system gets more complex and moves towar... | |
Best Sub Rel or Muse Both are fine products. I use REL and one of the great design features is that the subwoofer is not in the path of the main speakers. There's also no need for extra interconnect runs. However, Muse has their personality cards. I obviously prefer t... | |
Anybody tried Sumiko OCOS cables...? I also used OCOS with Rowland Model 1 amp, however, the preamp was the Coherence II and the speakers were Monitor Audio Studio 20. I have a very positive opinion of the OCOS. They're not a statement product, but a very solid value. A double run is... | |
How Flat is Flat? Yes you're being anal, but hey, who visiting this site isn't. A suggestion for you -- place your speakers/listening chair asymetrically. Most text will preach a symetric setup. Without it tonal balance and imaging will suffer. However, sometimes a... | |
Need upgrade advice You have a well balanced system. If you want to improve the system you will probably have to upgrade as a system and replace most of your components. Rather than replace any components, explore careful system setup (speaker position, clean connect... | |
Small Speakers w/ Full Range Sound Consider the Monitor Audio Studio Series. The floor standing Studio 20, 50 or 60 all meet your criteria. They are good looking, easy to drive and sound excellent. | |
upgrading from Spica TC60's to ?? Do nothing. The TC60s are not the greatest speaker on earth, but they're real good and a tremendous value. You could spend alot of money for a better speaker, but not necessarily get substantially better sound. I'm familiar with the Proac and the ... | |
unmarked HDCD's Yes. I've also had a recent experience where some individual tracks were HDCD and others on the same CD were not. | |
Am I deaf? No you are not deaf. If they sound nearly the same, then go with the lowest cost/best value product. New equipment is not always the solutions. It your system sounds good to you -- enjoy it and stop worrying. However, if you insist upon obsessing,... | |
CDRs sound better than original!!! What you say is true and I've heard and read this many times. However, it's only true if the signal remains digital. I'm speculating as to why, but the CDR burns the pits, commercial disc are stamped. | |
Montana EPS or Dunlavy 4A's? I think the Dunlavy is a tremendous speaker, but it can be a difficult one to setup in a typical room. It needs to be widely spaced (along the long wall). Setup this way it has a narrow sweet spot. The Vandersteen is also a great speaker. It's als... | |
Dedicated stereo to HT--advice? Consider this, add a powered subwoofer (REL, Monitor Audio, Bag End, etc.) and do nothing else. Approximate cost -- $1,000 to $1,500. The advantages of this setup is that your music system is not compromised. I have two video oriented systems. The... | |
Best Subwoofer(s) for SF Guarneri Homage Pretty good system for something just cobbled together. My advice is to only consider a subwoofer after you have completely worked out the main speaker setup. I like REL. Even if I couldn't test listen, I'd buy REL over Velodyne, Carver, etc. Go w... | |
The Best Speakers for a Small Room Consider the Totem 1. Alternatively consider the Sony SM7a. The Sony gets no respect, but it's a borderline great speaker and a tremendous value. |