

Responses from onhwy61

Proac Response 3.8 stereo imaging is not centered
Use an SPL meter and measure mono signals.  Measure close to the drivers and do it at relatively low volumes, say 70db.  
Speaker Suggestions for Next Move
Classic Audio Reproductions have some interesting high efficiency loudspeakers that are probably a step up from the Cornwalls.  They are highly customizable.  
FirstWatt SIT-3 or Pass Labs XA25 for Avalon Indras?
You should read the recent thread about the Fletcher Munson effect and low volume listening.  
NOS Tube Recommendation for Quicksilver Phono Pre Amp
@larryi  thanks for the explanation. To the OP, I agree with DeKay's first post.  Let the preamp settle in before making changes.  How many albums have you actually listened to for your sonic conclusions?  
NOS Tube Recommendation for Quicksilver Phono Pre Amp
If I'm wrong please correct me.  The 5751 has lower gain than a 12ax7, but the are otherwise interchangeable.  As such either one may or may not be an optimal choice for a particular circuit design, but they will work.  
Oh my goodness!
To the OP -- thank you for participating!  It may not be considered polite in some circles, but it is a legitimate inquiry to wonder how some people have some much money to spend.  There's not a crime behind every great fortune, but I'm sure ther... 
What's Up With Jane's Addiction?
@mswale, I've read that they are trying to reconcile and complete the tour. Lindsey and Stevie were not in the original Fleetwood Mac.  
What's my best upgrade options
As virtually everybody has suggested, get a new turntable/arm/cartridge.  Plan on spending in the $5 to 10k range.  If that's beyond your current budget, then save up until it's doable.  Don't make any half-step moves!  Also sort out your cables. ... 
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
Why are you surprised that a video about an amplifier made when Ronald Reagan was president would only attract older viewers.  Make a video about a portable Bluetooth loudspeaker and see if the demographics change.  
Is Recording quality the real culprit?
A poorly recorded great album still sounds like a great album when played on a good system.  
Power amplifier longevity… thoughts?
If the company is no longer in business should be a strong warning sign against purchasing.  I've read that modern caps and resistors can go 20-30 years with no problems.  Of the amps you listed the Ayre would generally be considered a higher qual... 
Is Recording quality the real culprit?
It may sound crappy, but it's still a good musical performance.  
Is Recording quality the real culprit?
You get a good quality system to better appreciate the musical performance.  The recording quality is not the main focus.   
GoldenEar One.R vs. Wilson Watt Puppy 7s
If you always wanted a Wilson Watt/Puppy, then get one.  Whether there are better loudspeakers is a non-issue.  There were better loudspeakers available when the Wilson 7s were current production and there are even many more now.  Still, the Wilso... 
What is your "holy grail song" that you cannot find?
Not a big Humble Pie fan, so I could be wrong, but they did a song called "Stone Cold Fever".  Readily available.