Responses from p05129
Here comes the PS Audio's streamer -- anyone excited? probably the best streamer out there. Paul has it right, USB is the worst, I2S is the best, then Ethernet, but most people don't want to spend the money for a good dac with these inputs, they will be a cheap dac with usb and then spend hundreds if... | |
Ethernet streaming Every review I’ve read about a dac with Ethernet and the dac I use with Ethernet has always sounded better with Ethernet, 2nd best option would be i2s, last would be usb. You don’t have to be a so called streaming audio specialist to know this. | |
What do you hear with a better/bigger power supply and output capacitors in same amp? Music, not necessarily better | |
Any Advice for those Listening to Youtube Reviewers? “It seems most people will never get that audio is not about the gear pieces but about how to learn to listen...”. IMO, if you know how to listen, you would know that the better equipment makes a bigger difference in sound quality! It’s like takin... | |
Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"? Do you need to sell it? Are you desperate? If so then respond. If it’s a ridiculous offer I’ll respond with a higher amount than what it is listed for. Most of the time I don’t respond. House bids are different, the realtor has to submit the offer... | |
Bad news for home theater enthusiasts Your network is the key. I have had gigabit networks for over 6 years and 4 of them were fiber. Fiber is the ultimate because it’s fiber which is much less noisy which you can see and hear in streaming, lowest latencies, and ultra low jitter. Als... | |
Any Advice for those Listening to Youtube Reviewers? The OP is flat out wrong about the better internet reviewers. Kmart gear, really? Have you seen Jay's Audio equipment? Jay has spent more on room acoustics than most magazine reviewers paid for their reference gear. I would listen to the better in... | |
Using biwired cables on speakers with only 2 connections “Bi-wire is nonsense”. This statement is nonsense! Nobody knows if the speakers you own will sound better if you biwire them or not. I tri-wire my speakers which are the same recommendations from the dealer/manufacturer recommend. Don’t let nons... | |
And Awaaay We Go! 1 big sales pitch for each of his components. They get all of this equipment at a drastic savings and there was controversy over how much these reviewers get paid by the manufacturers to give them glowing reviews. I quit TAS and the other audio ma... | |
Add External DAC or Upgrade to a New Streamer / DAC? Ap1-not true. Like others that have stated above, The best interfaces to a dac are Ethernet and i2s. Most dacs don’t include these interfaces except for the better ones. Toslink would be good except it limits what can be sent thru it. Nobody uses ... | |
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first? There is no excuse for not auditioning before purchase, unless you can get a dealer/manufacturer to send them to you with a 7 day return policy with no restocking fee. Somebody mentioned they wouldn’t fly because it would be an expensive plane ti... | |
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better? Who ever said that tubes sound better than SS? I have never heard a tube amp no matter the cost control the woofers that a SS amp can. Midrange and tweeter can sound sweet with tube amps but SS can too. | |
Is simpler better? K.I.S.S. I have better sound quality with 1/2 the gear I used to have | |
Baffled by Pricing Strategy Depends. 2 years ago I almost doubled the price of my used cars and boat (compared to what the used prices should have been before 2020) and people paid the new increase in price. Have you seen the price of new boats since 2020? I got more for my ... | |
Stereophile review of Millercarbon system featuring Tektron speakers Did this writeup claim MC speakers bettered the $1M Wilson’s? Did they ever find the allusive $1M Wilson speakers? Almost every issue of stereophile contains a low budget system all the way to the more expensive systems. Well, they met their goal... |