Responses from petaluman
Help Identifying Vintage KEF Speakers I'm a big fan of KEF, so please let me clarify that these were just rough designations - B110, T27, etc. They also assigned SP numbers to all the variations, and often had multiple versions in production simultaneously. | |
Help Identifying Vintage KEF Speakers You should be able to narrow it down quickly if you ever pulled the grills off. KEF drivers are specified by type & approximate diameter in mm (25.4mm/inch). A B200 is an 8" bass driver, a B110 a bit over 4". This also works for the T27 1" ... | |
Is D-Sonics audio still in business Check out the VTV Amplifier website. They have a wide range of class D designs from Hypex, Purifi, Pascal - even an all digital (digital in only) GaNFET design. Saw a stereo PASCAL and a Hypex NCore MP design on there for under $500. | |
Complete vinyl system, TT to speakers, for $1500? The active speaker route simplifies the system, but there are a couple of drawbacks. The lack of a pre/integrated amp makes it less input versatile, as you've noted. Even if she's committed to a phono-only system, you need to know the chosen spe... | |
Bryston Versus Musical Fidelity Last I heard, the San Francisco Audiophile Foundation had a Parasound JC5 for sale at $3000 (look for the Foundation Sale) | |
Downsizing: Separates>Integrated --PSAudio>Pass Labs You should also consider the Parasounds. The Hint 6 can be found in the $2-3k range and offers plenty of power and flexibility | |
The weirdness of it all The cable's effect not only differs for each kind of cable, but also its length & connectors, and the amp & speakers used. I'll keep this simple, since even that is above my pay grade, and only consider resistance, although changes in ind... | |
The difference between Qoboz stream vs purchased songs @gkelly - I'm a big fan of your dancing! We all have to make our own decision about sq and how important it is to us. The bigger question with streaming is how important permanence is to you. Several responses argued against spending money on d... | |
Ripping CD's +1 for EAC for BOTH ripping & burning. My experience with new discs is over 99% of new discs rip perfectly with EAC. With used, it's still 90+%. I mostly just rip, but over the years have probably burned over a hundred discs with no problem... | |
Does streaming music equate to high concert ticket prices I agree with many of the commenters here. If you're living somewhere that bands like Pearl Jam & Aerosmith perform, you have plenty of other choices. Learn your local venues - concert halls, nightclubs, bars, taverns, fairgrounds, etc. Get ... | |
I was happy with my system for 30 years; now I need a new amp...and more? The first thing you need to do is decide how serious you are about upgrading your speakers. Klipsch rates the R820F sensitivity as 97db/watt. I checked a couple of less expensive Focal towers - they are rated around 91db. Sensitivity rating are... | |
Bang for the buck With speakers in particular, it's best to hear them yourself, with your amplification or perhaps what you hope to get! There are so many good speakers in your price range, and they all sound different. Some bigger makers, like KEF, have several ... | |
Sat front row at the symphony... It's not about the sound. How can any equipment compete emotionally with experiencing incredibly talented, devoted musicians playing music they love as a member of a rapt audience devoting their full attention to the performance. Listening to yo... | |
EBAY MONEY BACK.......WHAT A JOKE ??? I recently had a similar issue with non-delivery on eBay (not an audio item). I emailed the seller multiple times over several days with no response. Then I went back to the ebay item details page. There was a button - get refund, or something ... | |
Starting from scratch and say $5000 Like many, I'd encourage you to listen around & choose your speakers first. I do have a suggestion for a moderately priced, versatile all-rounder integrated, though. Admittedly, I have no experience with this specific model, but I have a lot... |