
Responses from petaluman

First Watt J2 & speaker pairing ?
The First Wat amps are intended to be simple expressions of their output devices.  If you get a chance to try one with your current speakers, you may find the power adequate for your needs.  If not, there are more powerful class A amps to be had, ... 
Tidal class-action
HDCD was a similar technology applied to physical CDs, where the native sample rate had a fixed limit.  I believe MQA is similar, but used for streaming, where the potential signal bandwidth continues to increase.  If you have a high speed Interne... 
Law Of Diminishing Returns?
The concept of diminishing returns does apply to the audio world.  However, "hifi sound" is entirely subjective.  Most people will tell you they're getting it for < $1000.  A few people will tell you that you can't get it for $100,000.  They're... 
Integrated Amp Shopping Decisions
Honestly, you might be better off getting the Parasound NewClassic 200 integrated instead.  Its price new is <50% of the Hint 6, and has a very similar feature set.  Put the $ saved into your speakers and you'll likely come out ahead in SQ.  
What should my heirs do to dispose of my vinyl and CDs?
If you're in the SF Bay Area, you could contact the San Francisco Audiophile Foundation.  I don't know if they're actively soliciting donations, but they are a 501c3 organization, so it would be deductible.  I haven't been to a meeting in a while,... 
What to do with my legacy CD collection?
If you're in the SF Bay Area, you could contact the San Francisco Audiophile Foundation.  I don't know if they're actively soliciting donations, but they are a 501c3 organization, so it would be deductible.  I haven't been to a meeting in a while,... 
Sonus Faber Olympica nova 2 VS Sonus Faber Cremona M Loudspeaker vs
@dynamiclinearity  Thanks for the correction!  I didn't mean to give the front man undue credit, although his continued success with innovative designs is commendable.  Do you know who the designer(s) are behind these speaker lines?  
Sonus Faber Olympica nova 2 VS Sonus Faber Cremona M Loudspeaker vs
I apologize to the OP for the intolerant here who feel it necessary to judge your musical taste & suggest your needs are not worthy of the best sound you can get.  Does that make them anti-audiophiles? Good luck with your search!  Sonus makes... 
Jazz like this? Suggestions
I confess that I haven't yet had a chance to hear the Magnus Ringblom Quartet, but you might want to check out ECM Records.  Their European style of jazz has more classical influence, less swing or R&B.  
getting into streaming
If I read the OP's original post correctly, they asked if anyone could recommend a streamer device that came with its own dedicated controller.  No one seems to have answered that.  Unfortunately, I don't know the answer.  I know they existed for ... 
un-becoming an audiophile
I believe the best way to listen to music is with no stereo at all.  Go out and listen to live music.  You lose all ability to change or "upgrade" the SQ; you gain the immediacy of having the musicians right in front of you, and the community of s... 
The Nelson Pass Stasis patent also incorporates a sliding bias voltage to increase the efficiency of an amplifier run in class A.  He used it in many of the Threshold amps and also licensed it to Nakamichi.  
Paul McGowan gets asked about rotary subs.
I think electrostats never caught on for a couple of reasons: They had a tendency to arc if over-driven.  I believe this has been largely solved.  They also have to be plugged in.  Neither of these are problems with Magneplanars. Although there ... 
Women Who Rock
@tylermunns Thanks for your response. I guess it's a difference of opinion.  To me, "best" is dumb.  Is Baroque better than Romantic?  Hip Hop better than Jazz?  Tom Waits better than Enrico Caruso?  I don't believe in judging musicians in bpm, a... 
Women Who Rock
@mofimadness - thanks for the heads up! @tylermunns - that's literally the title of the documentary he was recommending.  Personally, I wouldn't eschew any song based on its choice to use gendered words in title or lyrics.  When I sit down to lis...