

Responses from portoalegre

Upgrade? Luxman M-900u and C-900u from Pass X250.8 - Simaudio Evolution P-8
Has anyone compared Luxman C900 to Conrad Johnson ET-5 preamp? I use a CJ ET-5 preamp with a pair of Luxman M900u, an excellent match, but I wonder if a Luxman C900 wouldn´t be a better match ... 
Franco Serblin R.I.P. What happens to Ktema?
Has anyone compared the Katema with B&W speakers? Either 802D2 or 80D2 
MC cartridge mini-shootout: SPU, Koetsu, FR, Ikeda
And what about the match of SPU Meister Silver MKII with the Ikeda IT-407 12” arm? 
PS Audio for Home-Theater
Hi guys, thank you for your prompt responses! Yes, I’ve added up and it’s way more than 1500W ... Thanks!! 
Stand out phono stages
Has anyone listened to Van Den Hul The Grail SB phono preamp?Any comparision with Conrad Johnson TEA-2? 
Absolute Monster SAM Turntable
Just to update, I ended up buying the SAM Reference TT, and it's fantastic! Very detailed and opened sound quality! 
Absolute Monster SAM Turntable
Thanks guys!