Responses from rgordonpf
Denver TT Shootout? I prefer the wood platter myself. But several people attending the same demo session with me said that they preferred the lead loaded acrylic platter. Obviously, tastes, systems, and hearing differ. Vive le difference! | |
Denver TT Shootout? No shootout between the various TT manufacturers. We did get to hear two demos of the differences between the all acrylic, lead damped acrylic and wood platters on a Teres Model 200. The lead damped is better than the all acrylic. The wood is pref... | |
San Diego, County The San Diego Music and Audio Guild has monthly meetings which are open to all. The meetings are usually held at local San Diego High End stores or at manufacturer's facilities. We try to keep the meetings on the second Wednesday of the month, but... | |
Home brew cleaning solution Kodak does not recommend Photo-Flo's use on vinyl. This is a true statement. However, it is based on legal liability and not chemistry. If you call Kodak you will find out that they will say "not recommended for ......." on anything unless they ha... | |
Home brew cleaning solution Do a search in Vinyl Asylum under "cleaning fluid DIY" and you will find many different recipes. One of the more common is:"Here's Harry Weisfeld's recipe (the VPI president, who seems to prefer it over the VPI fluid they sell!). Put 16 oz. of iso... | |
VPI Motor Upgrade Kit You might want to check out the threads on Vinyl Asylum. At the same time you should check out the threads regarding using a Teres DC motor on your VPI. The comments indicate that upgrading to the Teres motor would be more beneficial than upgradin... | |
CA: Audio club in san diego area? The San Diego Music and Audio Guild is still meeting, usually the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Stereo Unlimited. Meeting dates and venues sometimes change to meet the requirements of our guest speakers. We charge $3 at the door which pays for th... |