

Responses from rja

Sonnet Audio Morpheus
Srajan has an uncanny ability to "beat around the bush". I can't tell if the Pasithea article is a rave review or a lukewarm one. The Morpheus review was much clearer to me.  
Sonnet Audio Morpheus
A review of the Sonnet Pasithea has been completed on Six Moons. If you read the review and feel that you understand its conclusions please summarize it for us as many of these reviews seem extremely cryptic. Maybe it's just me but I find some Si... 
Puritan PSM 156
Yes there is a separate grounding device available. Goes between PSM156 and copper grounding rod. I plan on buying one this Spring. Not pricey. Getting a copper rod into the ground in Minnesota right now would be a challenge.šŸ˜Š Ā   
聖HIJIRI Users thread
Anyone wish to comment on the Hijiri digital cables? Arigato gozaimasu!  
Do good power cords have to be stiff?
The Puritan sorta reminds me of a wet noodle. I don't think you could find a PC more supple.  
Quiz about adding dense mass to a vibration isolation application!
I recently placed a VPI Brick on my Bricasti M3. Did NOT like the sonic effect. I do use the Bricks on other components with positive results.  
Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
Wading in the rarefied air of the extreme high-end. Why not? Somebody has to do it.  
Any love for Shine Ola?
I've been using it for years.  
DAC Question: Delta-Sigma vs R2R
Sorry to waylay this thread but New Year Wish. Bricasti releases a stand alone M21 ladder DAC at a reasonable price (M3 price?)  
Why are there so few BNC cables to choose from
I have never had difficulty obtaining bnc terminated cables.  
Puritan PSM156
I own a Puritan PSM156 and an Inakustik AC-3500P. IMO: They are interchangeable. Meaning the sonic differences I perceive are minimal to non-existent. At one time I considered putting both up for sale and keeping the one that didnā€™t sell. Of co... 
Bully pulpits
dizbuster, Maybe an audio shtick might be more appropriate?  
Considering the Pro-ject Box CD RS2 Transport ? You might want to read this, first.
Curious, what exactly is a "audiophile geisha"?  
Adding a ā€œsafe havenā€ forum for discussion of tweaks?
Let'er rip! Laissez-faire forum for me. No censorship please. Ā   
Sonnet Audio Morpheus
Looks like new Sonnet Pasithea DAC will be available sometime early 2022 @ about double Morpheus price. Looking forward to hearing it and reading reports and reviews.