Responses from rja
Bricasti M1 owners- have you found a power cord that you love? lxgreen,Which begs the question, how much better is the M1 over the M3? | |
XLR (Balanced) interconnect cable question Why am I going to want the more expensive cables to sound better? | |
A phenomenal new CD transport-Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport Why the modified wall wart?Is there a better power supply available? | |
Does the 1.5m 75ohm rule apply to 110ohm? mike, thanks for your useless input on this subject.Please don’t post to my threads if you intend to be negative.1. I’ve never heard it from a cable vendor.2. There was at least one scientific paper pointed out by Al Marg concerning this issue. Hi... | |
Full featured balanced dac/preamp advice Try to find a used Sonnet Morpheus. | |
Us: hobbyists vs perfectionists vs aural epicureans vs rampant consumers vs bad Buddhists? I want to hear music emanating from the primordial ooze....... | |
Metronome Le Player 3 - CD Transport What I wanted was an opinion on the transport from someone who owns one or has heard one.Fuzztone, your post is pretty much useless on so many levels. Thanks for nothing! | |
By far, my most significant system upgrade! Wow! Here we go again. | |
Sonnet Audio Morpheus There's a thread on 6Moons if you want to follow the development of the new Sonnet DAC, so far un-named. Not much information though. | |
LessLoss C Marc SPDIF Digital Cable Let's bring this up again. | |
Corpse Cable - Opinions Please The SQ of the corpse cables is dead on. | |
Harley quote Please Audiogon, make them stop!I can't take it anymore. | |
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000 mitch2,Try to give the Sonnet Morpheus a listen.You may like it and it comes in far below your stated price range. | |
High End Ethernet Cables ....Real Deal or Snake Oil This thread reminds me why I will miss almarg. | |
Any Wadia 27 DAC users here? Need some help with remote and No data error. Are you using AT&T glass cable? |