Responses from roberjerman
Rocketfish Audio RCA Connectors vs Discwasher Gold-en's Why bother changing? They will sound the same! Remember that IC's are not tone controls! | |
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money The capacity of humans for self-delusion is unlimited - Mr.Spock | |
Top of the heap..a century of research and advancements,the new Ortofon Century Cartridge. That $12K Ortofon cartridge better come with a big ol' diamond on the front to justify that price! | |
Top of the heap..a century of research and advancements,the new Ortofon Century Cartridge. At least a $12K diamond-encrusted watch won't wear out and need replacement in a few years! | |
Top of the heap..a century of research and advancements,the new Ortofon Century Cartridge. Hi End audio prices have reached INSANE levels over the last 20 years! | |
What will become of my beloved CDs? On Friday I won at auction from Amoeba in LA 13 CD's for $8.90 + shipping! Including a Miles Davis Birth Of The Cool RVG for $1.80!!! All from my home via my smartphone! | |
What will become of my beloved CDs? The capacity of humans for self-delusion is unlimited - Mr.Spock | |
What will become of my beloved CDs? +1 pbb! Physical media will always have some future value! Even ancient 78's have their fan collectors! I'm keeping and using my CD's. I refuse to believe the hype that Hi-Rez streaming is better! Redbook recording and playback fully satisfies the... | |
Secondary/“vintage” system speaker replacement options? I recall from years back a replacement ribbon driver for the Amazing Loudspeaker that was a drop-in fix. | |
Another Speaker Recommendation Request +1 liamowen! The ML Summit X's NOS at that price ($5700) are a real good deal! I prefer and own ESL's! | |
Top of the heap..a century of research and advancements,the new Ortofon Century Cartridge. +1 daveyf! Fremer did post that I was an "imbecile" after calling him out on UTube for promoting some $6K Audioquest PC's! I at least retain my sanity! | |
Am I using the right speaker cables? +1 shadowcat2016! Speaker placement in a room is the most basic and vital aspect to obtaining optimum SQ! | |
Help with interconnects? Pictures please! | |
Most underrated composer of 20th Century? Conlon Nancarro! Works for player piano! I have a multi - CD set of these! Not one person in a million remembers him! | |
The Best Piano Works of the 20th Century The works of Conlon Nancarro for player piano! I have a multi - CD set of these! |