Responses from roberjerman
What's your favorite lyric from a song? "I've been up all night leaning on the windowsill" - Bob Dylan, Highway 61. | |
What's your favorite lyric from a song? "Kick out the jams, m****rf*****rs!" - MC5! Available on early LP pressings (I have one!). Later censored by the Corporate suits! | |
What speakers work well against a wall Allison - designed for against-the-wall for best bass response! So are my Snell Type AIII's. | |
What is the most important component in your system. +1 mapman! Ohm Walsh's are capable of astounding 3-D imaging with "performers in the room"! They can be considered the most important component! | |
Used none working Pioneer PL-L1000 worth You might want to look for a Mitsubishi LT instead. I have one - excellent TT! | |
Used none working Pioneer PL-L1000 worth Correction: PLX1000! | |
Buying from Europe The price ($650) was right! How could I pass them up! Maybe the best sounding small-box speakers (others will disagree)! | |
Buying from Europe Nothing wrong with them - they sound just fine! And yes, geoffkait, they were even cheaper back in '76 - '77 ($450)! Wish I had bought a pair then! | |
Why people says SE is better PP I have a Will Vincent (autospec) SE45 built on a Dynaco chassis. Only 1.75 watts but it sure can get my vintage Heresy's to go loud! | |
Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions Mogami 2477 Blue Neglex OFC 12 guage coaxial cable. I had two 20ft pieces in use with my KLH Nines for 23 years! Lost it when I moved to Florida. | |
The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile Stereophile: Love all those full-page ads for cables! Gotta have 'em to keep the "True Believers" happy! | |
The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile TAS: pushing the high-priced spread. "I can't believe it's not b*tter!" U or E - you choose! | |
Audio for the Young - Noho Sound That was a GEICO commercial and the speakers were JBL 4312's (I have a pair!). Also seen on a rack were a turntable, integrated amp and LPs! | |
Dynavector DV20X2H or DV20X2L Just stating my credentials! | |
Ohm load for SET Amps A 16 ohm tap means that ALL of the OPT's winding (on the output side) is in use. An 8 ohm tap means that 1/2 of the OPT's winding is in use. A 4 ohm tap means that 1/4 of the OPT's winding is in use. This directly affects damping (control) of the ... |