Responses from roberjerman
Turntable Pioneer PLX1000 ($700) is a great TT! Add a $500 Hana LE mc cartridge and you'll have a vinyl playback system competitive with far more costly gear! | |
List of most high end analog active crossovers ever made. Yes, from the old days of ARC when Bill Johnson ran the company! | |
Seeking advice--upgrading decades old audio system See my above post! Pair a Carver 1.5T amp (450 wpc) with a Carver preamp and you will have a system that can compete with today's expensive gear! | |
Are there any current high end dipole speakers (dynamic)? Carver Amazing Platinums - 48" ribbon midrange/tweeter and 4 12" woofers in a trapezoidal open baffle! Still a killer system after all these years! Beats any Magneplanar! Get a Carver 1.5T to power them and you will have a system easily capable of... | |
List of most high end analog active crossovers ever made. Audio Research EC-21 tube x-over | |
Stellar Labs stereo system, stellar or bottom dweller? You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear - Old English proverb! | |
Creek CD50 YES!!! | |
BASH and expired patents @kijanki : the AAA circuit is just the feed-forward topology invented by Peter Walker (of Quad fame) back in 1976! He used it in the Quad 405 and later amps. I have a 405 in my collection. It is an excellent sounding amp (90 wpc)! | |
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC? I don't believe in re-tipping. When my Denons get too worn I can trade them in for new replacements. And they can certainly go beyond 300 hours by use of Stylast. | |
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC? The PLX1000 has a medium mass arm. It works fine with the low-compliance Denon mc. I have other TTs with high-mass arms (Empires) that are certainly suitable for mc cartridges. Plus also two Fidelity Research arms designed by the late Ikeda-san (F... | |
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC? The MI cartridges (moving iron - Grado/SoundSmith/B&O) are much better with far lower inductance. And consequently much better high end and faster transients. They are certainly competitive with MCs. I have several Grados. In fact back in 1977... | |
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC? All the typical MM cartridges (Shure/Stanton/AT/Ortofon ...) have coil inductance measured in HUNDREDS of milli-henries! This rolls off the high frequencies and slows transient response. Hardly what can be called "high fidelity"! | |
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC? The Pioneer PLX1000 is the hands-down winner in the sub - $1K TT category! Ditto for the Denon 103 mc in below - $500 cartridges! | |
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC? Forget MM cartridges! None of them sounds as good as even the venerable Denon 103 (and its variants)! These have always been my go-to choice for a budget price! When I wanted to add a NEW TT to my collection of vintage TTs I bought a Pioneer PLX10... | |
Why do Classical CDs sound less Alive/Real/Present ? Get some of the Mercury Living Presence CDs mastered by Wilma Fine! Far more natural sounding than the typical Columbia and Deutsche Grammaphone multi-miked affairs! |