Responses from roberjerman
Update or Toss Technics SB-G300 Speakers from 1981? (link to photos) A good starter system would be: a pair of the Andrew Jones-designed Elac’s, a NAD integrated amp and a Sony Blue Ray/streamer (can be bought new for not much $). Add a powered sub (or two) for the bottom end. All this can probably be put together ... | |
Interconnect recomendations, ~$500 new or used, RCA... Here's what I bought when I needed new IC's: Audioquest Silver Extreme's. HCM had them on sale for $100 a pair. List price was $500/pr.Can't beat that! So I got 5 pairs for $500. Happiness! | |
Update or Toss Technics SB-G300 Speakers from 1981? (link to photos) A donation to Habitat of the Z-22 is recommended, | |
Update or Toss Technics SB-G300 Speakers from 1981? (link to photos) Alas, neither the speakers and TT are worth much! The complete Z-22 system would be a good bedroom system for a teenager! | |
What is your favorite tube type? The ne plus ultra power tube: 6LF6 used as a PP sextet in the Julius Futterman hand-made H3aa OTL mono amps! I have a pair! | |
What is your favorite tube type? Best PP low watt power tube: 6BQ5/EL84! A pair of these (15 watts) with an Altec Valencia or an Altec 19 will get you halfway to audiophile heaven! Used as a quartet in the famous Vox AC-30 guitar amp! | |
What Happened To The Copious Post On High End High Powered Amps By Whitecamross? Whitecamross = Captain Ahab and his search for the White Whale!!!! | |
Pulling myself out of old, broken equipment, one hesitant step at a time... Keep the HCA1200ii amp. It is an excellent sounding unit - certainly equal to the other three amps listed! Don't fall for the mistaken belief that an older amp is somehow inferior to a newer model! | |
Pulling myself out of old, broken equipment, one hesitant step at a time... I'd do the above and then sell them along with the RP280's. Buy a pair of used Vandersteen Quattro's or Treo's. That should satisfy your upgrade urge for speakers! | |
Pulling myself out of old, broken equipment, one hesitant step at a time... Ebay seller "dbbarnes3" has a pair of 2Ci's that he is parting out. The two woofers are intact and he will sell them for a reasonable offer. This makes more sense than having your old pair rebuilt. | |
tubes4hifi SP14 preamp and Psvane CV181 Tii tubes Two choices if you want to keep the Psvane pair: leave the. cover off (will not affect sound quality). Take the cover to a sheet metal shop and have two holes punched (won't cost much). Don't fret obsessively - choose one or the other! | |
Topping D50 vs the "Big Boys" The Topping D50 proves that you don't have to spend 10X its price for accurate - and excellent- sound quality! | |
If you could bring back one great artist that has Lemmy Kilmister of MOTORHEAD! "We are NOT Metal, We ARE Rock-n-Roll"! | |
Recommendations for Vintage Speakers @helomech: Bob Carver liked the TW's! I will trust his opinion any day over Guttenberg's - who worked at that snooty audio store in NYC (Sound By Singer). | |
Replacing components, Please weigh in! How about this NAD 3125 integrated amp for $98.99 + $28.12 shipping from Maryland? Ebay seller is "filippie" with very good feedback and lots of electronic gear for sale. |