

Responses from ronrags

Poor value vs snake oil...
+1 mijostyn 
Vandersteen Quatro CT *beginner* questions
If you have limited funds, Audio Connection also has demo/used Quatros and 5As for sale. Johnny R is A++ 
The Mhdt lab Balanced Pagoda DAC
@arafiq The Orchid does support 24/192 so you can stream 24 bit. I had my Orchid modded by Grannyring with better caps and resistors which brought it to a new level. Even before it was modded it sounded great. You can’t go wrong for $1200.  If you... 
The Mhdt lab Balanced Pagoda DAC
@teajay +1 
The Mhdt lab Balanced Pagoda DAC
@janehamble (Jeremy)What’s your problem?I don’t understand your responses here on audiogon. You make accusations without any proof and see no benefit to your comments.I actually made 2 purchases based on teajay’s reviews since we share the same ta... 
Non Analytical Sounding DAC Upgrade- Budget $1,500 or less
My MHDT Orchid was recently modded by Grannyring (Bill) and all I can say is wow. The sound is cleaner and clearer without sounding glaring. The soundstage is larger and more holographic. Right now I’m listening to Jessica Williams Live at Yoshi’s... 
Help Needed (please) From Aurender N100H User
Call their US number at +1 (888) 367-0840 
Best integrated tube amplifier, under $3,000.00. No phono needed. Could be used, too.d
I would also recommend contacting John Rutan at audio connection. I recently purchased the newer Rogue Cronus Magnum III from him with KT77 tubes instead of the standard KT120. I prefer the sound of the KT77s which is warmer and has a beautiful mi... 
Synergistic Research Black Box -
@ozzy Since you own both types of FEQ, is the X4 a sonic improvement over the original? 
Dazed & Confused
@tablejockey I agree that CTTE is one of the worst recordings. I remember buying the LP when it was first released and could barely listen to it. It was so harsh and brittle that you can compare it to nails on a chalkboard. 
Is it even possible to set up a system in 12x12 room?
Paul,I had to relocate my system into my daughters old bedroom which is 12x12x8. My speakers are placed about 3-1/2 ft from the front wall and 3 ft from the sides walls so the speakers are 6 ft apart. My sitting position is about 1-1/2 ft from the... 
Who remembers audio from the time when ...
It was 1969, my older brother was in Vietnam and I would use his portable Zenith record player which he received for HS graduation. The turntable would fold down and the speakers were on hinges to spread them apart to listen to stereo. Wow it was ... 
Why discussions generate into personal affronts...
aolmrd1241 +1 
I'm looking to learn about Air Motion Transformer technology
I own the Lawrence Audio Violin SE speakers which uses a front firing AMT tweeter and a rear firing ribbon tweeter for ambience.  I previously owned their earlier model which used a front firing ribbon tweeter only. The AMT tweeter is warmer and s... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
I think it’s a Perfect Path fuse