Responses from roxy54
Stereophile review of the new Wilson Watt/Puppy You are so right about that @fsonicsmith , and I have been guilty of it as well. I clearly recall buying a mint set of JBL Array 1400 speakers that I thought I would like sonically (I couldn't hear them before buying) They had been well reviewed b... | |
Stereophile review of the new Wilson Watt/Puppy @chrisoshea I never said I was confused. I said that the reviewer contradicted himself. Maybe you're confused. | |
ZMF vs Super Review* He has a right to call it as he sees it. If the manufacturer doesn't like that they shouldn't have taken the chance of giving them to him for review. | |
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System The seller said many responses ago that it was settled. Let it go. | |
Stereophile review of the new Wilson Watt/Puppy @aewarren Too refined for rock music? What does that actually mean? To me "too refined" means dynamically limited, amd Martin says that's not the case, hence the contradiction. | |
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers Well there you go. That's a high end speaker manufacturer confirming my experience. | |
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers @erik_squires I agree, and I have done that, but they are two entirely different things with different results, as I'm sure you know. | |
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers @stereo5 I believe you, but I still don't believe that it's the best idea. For example, what if it was secured by loctite and the humidity changed for a period of time? There would be no way to adjust it. I just think that it is something that n... | |
Do you have a screw loose? @thecarpathian That is a pretty amazing coincidence! You're a respected member, so hopefully others will take this good (and simple) advice. | |
Would you rent a $14,000 DAC for $75 per day? It sounds like fertile ground for nightmares. I wouldn't do it, especially if it needed to be shipped rather than picked up. | |
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers @thecarpathian Thank You Sir! This isn't a ''maybe" or "sometimes", it is something that I believe must happen with all speakers. I have had this experience with almost all of the 20 sets that I have owned over the years. I think I picked up th... | |
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers @stereo5 Do you know if locktite was used ? I've never seen it on any speakers I've had. If not, I'll guarantee that your drivers are loose. | |
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers If you haven't you should. A driver is ideally supposed to act as a perfect piston, and if it is loose and shaking that isn't possible, and yes, it is very audible. I'm sure that there are members here who will say that they check them on aa regul... | |
Trends in value of vintage / used audio equipment? Amen. | |
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System You have been more than reasonable. It's time to get tough. Demand a replacement or refund immediately. |